78: Goin' crazy

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I watched Nathan disappear out of the room. I actually started to get anxious when I didn't know where he was.

Dad stood up, "I think you guys are going to want to talk, so I'll be at the cafeteria."

He kissed me on the top of my head and left quickly, leaving me alone.

The door was thrown open moments later and I grinned as Nathan hurried into the room. He looked around frantically until he saw me and I've never seen him grin so big.

He was at my bed side in seconds, "Lyra, you're awake!"

"Yeah," I giggled, unsure what else to say.

He took my face and planted kisses all over me, finally landing on my lips with one big passionate one. Nathan kissed me like it was his last chance. I melted as his lips molded to mine lovingly. He pulled away and smiled at me, his thumb caressing my cheek.

Geez he looked like hell. His hair was a mess and his eyes were red rimmed like he'd been crying. Dark circles were under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days. Stubble covered his cheeks, making the perfect five o'clock shadow.

"I'm sorry Lyra, but there's no way in hell you're leaving my side again. There is no way I'm letting you go. I don't think I could live without you. And I'm so sorry I let you get hurt. It killed me every second I wasn't with you, please never leave me again because I love you so much that I just might die," He rambled hurriedly like he'd been wanting to spit it out.

"You love me?" I smiled up at him and he grinned, "More than anything in the world."

My heart swelled so big, I was sure it'd pop. I grabbed Nathan's face and pulled him in for another kiss. Once he pulled away, he stayed close and rested his forehead against mine, "Does that mean you love me back?"

"I definitely love you back," I giggled. This dork....

"But seriously, if you're going to college then I'm coming with you. Bad things happen when I leave you alone," He quirked a half smile. I chuckled and was quiet for a moment, just soaking up the happiness that I had with him right here.

"Did she really shoot me?" I whispered after a moment.

"Yeah. I'll never forget it. It was the most terrifying moment of my life. They took you away from me. You flatlined twice," Nathan whispered.


I could remember his screams. Stay with me, don't leave me. My eyes filled up with tears and I grabbed his hand, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It wasn't your fault. She's gone now."

"She's gone?"

"Yes. And Richards in jail. His trial is in a few weeks but whatever about that," Nathan sunk to the floor and leaned against the edge of the bed.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, pulling the gown away far enough to see the bandages. A little blood peeked through.

"Not too much at the moment but I'm drugged up," I shrugged and chuckled. He kissed it like it would make it all better and laid his head against my side, avoiding the wound.

"It's been hell without you," He said, his voice muffled.

I ran my fingers through his hair and sighed, "I didn't know I was gone for three days."

"That's all it's been? It felt like months, years," Nathan yawned and I swore he could've fell asleep right there. I chuckled and poked his forehead, "You should probably go back to the family room and take a nap. Did you sleep at all last night?"

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