20: Life is a bitch

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Something was wrong with Lyra. It's been two days since we built the levee, and yesterday Lyra added more onto it when there was a break in the rain. It was holding really well actually. 

The rising rain water was about a foot up the now four foot barrier, which always worried us. Lyra said this was nothing compared to some tribe peoples walls.

But Lyra looked so tired and she was always cold. Very early this morning, I caught her with my big hunting jacket on to go set up rabbit snares.

"I think your sick," I said flatly.

"I'm not sick," She sniffed and sounded stuffed up.

"Lyra you look sick. C'mon just stay in the cave for a few hours."

"We have a lot of things to get done Nathan," she said stubbornly, sniffing and coughing a little.

I sighed at her stubbornness. She was going to kill herself out here, I swear. I followed her through the woods to the rabbit snares. There were two that were struggling in the snares.

I quickly dispatched them and started packing them into my bag. Lyra coughed harshly a few feet away as she leaned against a tree for support. 

"You're sick," I looked at her and stood up.

"I'm not sick!"

She's sick. I know it.

We started walking back, Lyra slower than usual. I slowed my pace so she could catch up to me. She started coughing again and it sounded like she was trying to hack her lungs out.

She bent over and had to crouch low to the ground when another attack came on. There was so much crackling in her lungs that I could hear from the coughs, it was obvious she had some sort of cold.

"That's it. You're going to the cave and you're not coming out until I think your healthy enough," I declared, stepping low to pick her up bridal style.

"Nathan I'm f-fine. Just a little sniffle," she said in between chattering teeth and harsh shivers.

I didn't answer her. She curled to my chest and let me carry her to the cave. This is so typical of Lyra, I can't believe she let herself get like this. I know she's so much smarter than this. But then again, I let her go out in the cold rain.

Opening the door with the toe of my boot, I stepped inside and set Lyra on her deer mat gently.

"I'm cold," she whispered softly.

Finally, she admits something. But that's not my Lyra so I knew she was definitely sick. I picked up my bedding and draped everything over her, and I even stocked the fire up to get it warm in here. She was still shivering but closed her eyes and got quiet.

"I'll be out chopping wood, yell if you need anything," I said quietly. Lyra nodded slightly.

I hurried through the wood chopping so I could keep an eye on her. Loading a pile of wood up underneath my arm I went back inside the cave. Since we'd moved all of the food to the cache, minus a small portion in case something were to happen to our stock, I could put fire wood in the root cellar.

Lyra was so quiet, I thought she was sleeping. Quickly cleaning the rabbits and feeding Baine his, I filled up a pot and waited for it to boil.

Lyra rustled the blanket and I looked over. She'd kicked it away and was sprawled out like she was hot.

I stepped over and laid the back of my hand on her forehead. She was burning hot. I was sure she had a fever. I quickly grabbed a rag and dunked it in the ice cold river. Wringing it out slightly, I took it back and placed it on Lyra's forehead.

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