42: Whats up with you?

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I ran my thumb over the arrowhead on my necklace out of habit. We waited in silence as a moving cloud came closer and closer. Notching an arrow on my bow, I tensed and waited.

The flock landed with a lot of splashing and honking. Nathan and I waited quietly for them to all settle.

"Now," I whispered.

We leaned out of the brush, careful to not startle the geese. Drawing my bow, I aimed at one and shot it though the eye. It flapped madly before dying and floating on the water. The other geese weren't too concerned about the quiet kill, they just swam away, probably wondering 'what the fuck is wrong with that guy?'

Nathan took down another one and we both loosed two more arrows. I missed one, but in all, we ended up with three geese to eat.

"Let him go," I smiled at Nathan.

Nathan released Baine and we watched him shoot off excitedly. The geese went into a frenzy as they tried to get away from him, taking off into the air in a flurry. Baine dove into the freezing water and tried get all the geese at once. He succeeded in only grabbing two. He brought them back, only to drop them in the dirt to go back for the third.

We'd be having a lot of goose and duck for the next few weeks considering the migration season was in full swing. Our wide river and little pool was only a pit stop for them because, let's get real here, the river was no lake.

I laughed and picked up the geese. They were quite big, even for geese. I suspected that they came from the flat low lands miles and miles away, fattening up just to be my meal.

"Alright. What now?" Nathan asked with a grin.

"Pluck away," I handed him a goose by the neck.

We sat by the freshly thawed river and began to pluck the feathers off the geese. Baine climbed out and we both leaned away to avoid the spray of water as he shook himself.

It wasn't too cold today at all. I was in jeans, a T shirt, and had a hoodie of Nathan's on. A while later, the geese had been plucked, cleaned and two were over the fire as one was getting smoked.

It was the most most delicious smell we've had in the cave all week I believe. We had decided to splurge a little since we had less than two weeks or so left. The elk meat was beginning to run out and the venison was long gone.

All we had now was big chicken and fish jerky. That is, unless you counted rabbit, squirrel and sometimes the little fat pack rats around here that Baine was hell bent on catching. Pulling the geese on a spit off the fire, I pulled off a leg and handed it to Nathan. It was his favorite part on the whole bird, no matter what it was.

I cut into the bird and pulled off some breast meat. Tossing a rabbit from earlier to Baine, I chuckled as I watched him sling it around before ripping into it as if we never fed him.

Nathan stood up, "I forgot my jacket. I think it's going to rain or something soon, just a sec."

I nodded while he pulled on his boots and started towards the door without lacing them up.

I paused mid-bite when the hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood up. A tale-tell sign of something I couldn't quite remember. I grabbed Nathan's hand as he passed me.

"What?" He asked, eyebrows knit together.

There was a crack and a blinding flash of light on the other side of the door that made me jump and stand. Baine yelped in surprise. The smell of something burning came to my attention. Nathan opened the door and I quickly followed him.

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