83: I want one

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I was extremely exited when we got home. I turned down the drive towards the house. I was fairly proud of it and, although Lyra had already seen it, I hoped she liked it. It was a nice size with darker tan panning, dark shingles and a front porch. It could've been a log cabin, but I stuck with a farmhouse look.

First, I called mom and told her that we were going to take everything to my house. In the middle of our conversation, she squealed and said Ally had sent her the pictures and video from my little question.

Clever wasn't it? I smiled to myself. I actually wasn't sure if Jay would say yes or not, you can't blame me for being nervous. Instead of asking her to be my girlfriend, it was like asking her to marry me.

Countless hours went into driving and listen to my gorgeous girlfriend sing to the radio. Ally followed us with Lyra's truck the entire way. We stopped once at a truck stop to sleep for a little bit and the next day we were up early so we could get home before dinner.

We came up to our house, I'll never get tired of saying that, and excitedly hopped out of the truck. Ally unhitched Lyra's new truck and waved, backing out of the driveway to head to her own house.

"Ready for the fun part?" Lyra asked, letting Baine out of my truck.

"Unpacking is what you call the fun part?" I smirked at her and she scoffed.

"Of course. Now let's go! I loaded it all up, you get to unload it all," She grinned and I groaned.

While I pulled boxes out of the trailer and set them on the step, Lyra started to carry them inside.

"Just take them to my room," I called, lifting a rather heavy box.

"Okay," Lyra shouted back and bumped the door aside so she could step in.

Baine ran around and sniffed things while we worked. I envied that he didn't have to do anything. I grabbed the last box from the trailer and just carried it inside.

Walking down the hall to my room, I noticed the boxes lining the walls outside my door. I laughed when Lyra stumbled out the door and tripped over a box. She landed on her butt with an 'oomff'.

"Is it fun yet?" I chuckled.

"Shut up, I got this," She grumbled and stood up, rubbing her rear end.

I set the box beside another and repeated this a few more times until all of the boxes were off the front step. Lyra pulled her pocket knife out and started to open boxes.

I helped her out and started to unpack with her. I happened to find the bathroom box and carried it across the hall. I grabbed some strange looking instruments that could be plugged into the wall, a bag that had a bunch of powders and things like that in it, Lyra's toiletries, and all that, putting them all in a space.

Half the men out there, or maybe even all, are probably wondering what the hell I'm doing. I'm letting a female walk into my home and 'take over.'  One, she's not taking over, she's sharing. Two, I did technically 'live' with Lyra already, so I know how this is going to go. And three, I'm in love with the idea of Lyra being with me constantly. 

I'm in love with her.

I can't tell you how many calls I got from my buddies asking questions connected to those thoughts. They were all congratulatory but concerned. Only a few understood. But that was fine, they didn't have to get what was happening, I did.

Some music started up and I immediately knew that Lyra had found her speaker. I smiled when she began to sing along with the music.

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