46: You promised

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I forced my legs to move as fast as they could go. Lyra screamed my name and I could hear the terror in her voice as she shrieked for me.  At the tree line, I dropped all of my bags and pulled out my hunting knife. My heart almost stopped as I saw a grizzly bear standing over my Lyra.

She was in a little ball on the ground against a tree, holding the spear up as tears rolled down her cheeks and she called my name hysterically.

"Lyra!" I shouted and sprinted across the clearing.

"Nathan, h-help me!" She cried as the bear roared at her once again, its jaws leaning down over her.

A war cry escape my throat as I plunged my knife into the bears back fearlessly. It roared in pain and swung around, throwing me off. 

I rolled across the ground but stood up and held my knife out threateningly.My heart was hammering in my chest but I didn't care. The bears big head swiveled to me and it bared it teeth but my eyes were locked with Lyra's just behind it. 

Lyra pushed herself up and stood wobbly, inching away from the tree and the bear, shakily holding the spear.

The bears nostrils flared at me and I prepared to move. We both heard a twig snap and it practically echoed. The bear turned back to Lyra with a deep grunt and dropped onto all fours, quickly lumbering towards her.

"No! No! Hey, over here!" I yelled but it ignored me.

Lyra's eyes went wide as it closed in on her. I frantically looked around for something- anything.

She readied her spear and pointed it at the bear boldly. It stood onto its hind legs again and I desperately started moving towards it.

It roared and swiped at Lyra. I watched in horror as the spear went flying and Lyra was thrown against a tree. She didn't get up.

A red, hot rage poured over my vision and I lunged at the bears back. Stabbing it with my knife multiple times, I furiously tried to kill it- but it takes more than a hunting knife to kill a bear.



I gasped as the bear roared once again and raised a large paw, fear coursed through my body and I couldn't move. The claws glinted in the light as it swung viciously.

A wave of pain washed over my shoulder  as the claws went straight through the flesh on my arm. I lost my grip on the spear as I was knocked off my feet, feeling like I'd been hit with a wrecking ball. 

Another burst of pain hit me as my temple smacked against something hard. I saw spots and my vision blurred- why couldn't I move?

I tried to push myself up but my body wouldn't respond. Roars of pain filled the air around my ears and everything sounded muffled and distant, like I was underwater. I felt nauseous and dizzy.

I took deep breaths as my vision stopped being full of flying dots. I managed to sit up and watch the world spin briefly, leaning my head back against something behind me. Pushing down the urge to throw up, I looked around. My hearing came back and sounds of pain hit me. Lolling my head to the left, I saw Nathan facing off with the grizzly.

He was fighting a grizzly bear.

The look on his face could only be explained as absolute rage and pain. His teeth were clenched and his face was spattered with blood and I couldn't tell if it was his own or not. The bear was enraged with blood matted fur as it roared, slashing with its razor claws and snapping with its teeth.

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