51: The Cabin in the Woods

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Nathan gripped my hand as we crunched through the woods. I kept my eyes on the river just outside the forest.

"There," I pointed to a wide spot in the bank that was larger now that we were way closer.

"So we're close?" Nathan asked.

I nodded, "Extremely close."

I started to walk towards the bank, pulling Nathan with me. He followed and soon we were walking along the muddy bank. I scanned around in the dark, looking for an out of the ordinary shape.

"Oh my gosh, there it is," I mumbled, so shocked I stopped.

Nathan looked at the cabin less than ten yards away. We both looked at each other before we started sprinting. My leg was of no concern. Baine raced beside us as we weaved around rocks.

When we reached the porch, we stopped and plugged our noses, groaning simultaneously.

"What is that smell?" I asked, my voice muffled.

"Rotting food...." Nathan pointed at a glass/wood box container on the porch. Inside it was old packages and milk jugs. Trash was scattered around it. It was obvious animals had gotten to the freshest food but there was still some good maybe.

"How the hell does no one notice that someone's not picking up their food?" I asked.

"I don't know," Nathan muttered.

I watched as he bent to a large rock beside the stairs and pulled it up. He grabbed a silver key and grinned. I followed him up the steps and listened to the click of the key unlocking the door.

Nathan swung it open and let me walk through. It wasn't cold in here and it didn't smell like dirt and grass. It smelled like Nathan; woodsy with a dash of cologne that made you weak at the knees. I looked at Nathan with a giant grin. I couldn't believe this. We made it. 

He smiled before bringing his hand up to a light switch. He flicked it up and the cabin was flooded with light. Electricity. I gaped at the interior. It was all log cabin. Wooden floors, a few leather chairs in a sitting area, a kitchen with granite counters and a fridge.

"I know it's really small-"

"It's perfect," I interrupted, "I couldn't imagine anything better."

I looked at the sink and then back at Nathan, "You have running water?"

"Of course-"

"DIBS ON THE BATHROOM!!" I screeched and dropped my things by the door.

"Wait, no fair!" Nathan exclaimed and dropped his stuff too.

"Whoever has lived without all of this the longest gets it first," I said smugly.

"Down the hall and to the left," Nathan sighed in defeat with a small smile.

I grinned big and tore off my boots, darting down the hallway and almost sliding past the door. I opened it and gasped. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. A thin glass shower was in the corner and on the other side of the room was a bathtub. A toilet was in another corner with the sink separating it and the shower.

"You have a bathtub?!" I grinned.

"Yeah, I like to relax too. My sister designed this place though. I would've lived in a wooden box just fine," Nathan called. I stepped inside and shut the door.

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