62: Two days time

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"Hello?" Dads tired voice same through the receiver. Suddenly I felt very small and young.

"Daddy?" I whispered, nearly falling backwards. Nathan's arms wrapped around me and I leaned heavily against him.

".....Who is this?" He asked shakily.

"Daddy it's me, Lyra," I choked out.

I could hear his voice was thick with tears, "My daughter was pronounced dead three days ago.... Is this some sick joke? You even sound like her.."

"Dad I'm not dead alright? I promise it's me. The plane crashed in the storm. I survived. The back end of the plane rolled down the mountain side. You couldn't find it right? The mudslide buried it."

"Tell me something only Lyra would know..." He said quietly.

"Mom died of cancer. You wouldn't come out of your room for a long time until I got sick with strep. The first food you tried to fix me was chicken noodle soup but you let the noodles cook for too long. I threw up all over you. I used to sit on the roof with mom. I've died your hair. Your birthday is October fourteenth. You had an assistant who fell off a cliff and died. You freaked out when I first started my period," I listed off anything, desperately wanting him to believe me.

"Lyra, my little girl! I knew you were alive!!! No one would believe me!! Honey, where are you?! I'll come pick you up right now!" He said excitedly.

I nearly fainted in relief but Nathan held me tightly. I felt a few tears of happiness roll down my cheeks.

"Daddy I'm in Texas."

"How the hell did you get to Texas?"

"It's a long story. I'll give you the address okay?" I sniffled.

"Okay baby. Are you hurt? At all?" He asked like any dad would.

"No dad," I chuckled, "I'm perfectly fine. I just got here today."

We talked for a little bit before I told him the address and knew it would take about two days to get here.

"You promise me you'll stop at a hotel? It wouldn't do me much good if you feel asleep at the wheel," I asked sternly.

"I promise pumpkin. I'll be there in a few days okay? Be safe," He said happily.

"You too. I love you," I smiled.

"I love you too honey."

I'd been dying to hear his voice and those comforting words. I could hardly believe this was real life. Neither of us wanted to hang up, but we eventually had to.

I hung up, pretty much stunned. I turned in Nathan's arms and wrapped my arms around his torso, burying my face in his chest. He hugged me back tightly and rubbed my back comfortingly.

"He's coming to get me," I cried.

"I know. He'll get here soon," Nathan smiled and kissed my forehead.



I dont understand. This is not my brother. He didn't blow us off and go to the bar. He actually sat down and talked to us. I barely paid attention to the football game on the TV. I was too busy eves dropping. I felt like such an ass to Lyra. She pulled my brother out of a burning plane and took care of him when she didn't even know who he was.

I called her a slut. That's all the girls I was used to seeing him with. But he treated Lyra differently. Then we started to talk and I felt like I could be her friend. Maggie agreed.

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