74: Breached

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I barely slept last night. I was too excited. It's a good thing I packed up as much as I could before I came here or else I would have no clothes.

"Out! I want everyone out!" Richard shouted down the hall and I rolled my eyes.

The only people that were supposed to be in this building was Richard, Lyra and I. The rest were to go back to...wherever they came from while we delt with things here.

I fixed my blazer, wanting to look good when the news crews took our pictures. I rechecked my bags. Yes, I've got my clothes, toiletries, hair dye, shoes, contacts, yes everything I need.

"Alexandra!" Richard shouted and I zipped my bag, "What?!"

"Get out here! They're going to be here soon!" He snapped.

I huffed and grabbed up my bags. Strolling down the hallway, I contained my excitement. Can I just say that this is possibly the best day of my life?

I'm getting the hell out of here and I'm going to be rid of Lyra and David. Then maybe I'll be able to put some distance between my brother and I. I've had enough of him to be honest. He's always ranting and raving. Yelling at someone or giving orders. It's pretty damn annoying.

"You called?" I smirked at him, setting my bags down.

"Yes, why are you always dragging ass? We need to be ready to go. The police will surely get here early and David will be with them but I ain't moving until noon. They better have all we need," He growled, pacing the floor.

"Would you calm down? You're acting like we're already heading to jail," I sighed and sat in his spinning chair.

"Calm down? I've never been this close to a trade, I'm always operating it- forget I said that. But I'm the only one who can get this done, I don't trust anyone else enough. So the way I see it, there's only two outcomes," He turned towards me and tapped his foot impatiently.

"We can get the money, get to the plane and then to the safe spot I've secured, or  the police worm their way around us and haul our asses to jail," Richard hissed.

"The first is more probable, don't you think?" I chuckled at his behavior.

"Well yeah, but-"

"And you know David will do anything for his little girl," I said in a disgusted tone, "So if we hold Lyra with anything, they'll do what we say."

"Yeah but we can't hold onto her forever. Taking her as far as the plane would give them more chances to capture us. That's why no ones allowed into the room because of the gun. They'll figure out the gun is on safety and not even loaded. I'm sure it won't take long," He muttered and resumed his pacing.

Did I look like this when I was overly nervous? Ugh, it looks humiliating.

"Won't take long for what?" I grumbled.

"It won't take long for them to either release her, track us down or both. There's a lot of cons to this. We didn't have enough time to fully think this through," My brother said frustratedly.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Whatever, it'll be fine."

"No Alex! You're not listening, you're ignoring the possible problems!" Richard shouted at me and I jumped at the suddenness.

"Richard stop yelling, I'm right here," I commanded and straightened my jacket, "You're focusing too hard on this. You said it yourself a few days ago, this is simple. We're in, we get the money, we get out. The steps aren't a mile high, this isn't rocket science."

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