63: We didnt know!

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I sat on the couch with my feet up. My fluffy white robe wrapped warmly round me. I chuckled as a Kardashian got riled up over nothing while the other said how great she was at her job.

She didn't just get away with getting rid of her step daughter. I smirked to myself and sipped my wine. Reaching over to my left, I grabbed a piece of cheese to nibble on. Eventually, I ran out of club crackers before I ran out of cheese. We could afford to have three different houses with one in another country but we couldn't have a butler?

I sighed. I deserved better than this. I grabbed the plate and got up while my show was on commercial. Maybe I should get some chocolate dipped strawberries while I'm up.

I passed David's office, the place where he locked himself up for most of the day, and couldn't help but hear his muffled voice.

"Dear god he's gone mad. Talking to himself now," I muttered to myself.

But I started to believe he was on the phone. I tried to lean against the door but it was too damn thick. His tone was excited. Happy. That didn't describe David nowadays.

I picked up, "Love you too." I gasped to myself and pulled away from the door, he was with another woman. How could he do this? What was wrong with him? Was I not enough?

I started walking away from the door in shock but jumped when it flew open. David nearly ran into me but stopped short. He had the biggest grin on his face and I became very concerned. I was going to have to throw him in the nursing home early.

"Alexandra! You'll never believe it!" He cried, shaking his hands with emphasis.

"Believe what?" I asked cautiously.

"I mean-I mean... It isn't possible but it is! I always knew it, I did!" He said, pacing about the hallway excitedly.


"I need to start packing! Right now! I leave tomorrow morning, very early!" David grinned at me.

"David!" I shouted.

"What?" He stopped pacing.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"Lyra's alive!"

"WHAT?!" I gasped, my wine glass slipped from my hand and shattering on the floor. Neither of us noticed.

"I know right! I didn't believe it but..." He laughed happily while I began to panic.

"N-no...it was a bad joke..." I whispered.

"That's what I thought too! But she said things only Lyra would know! And it makes sense, they didn't find a body! I'm going to Texas tomorrow-"


"Yes! I'm not sure how she got there but I'm going tomorrow!" David declared.

No, no, no. This isn't right, it isn't true. This is a sick joke, a bad dream even. She's legally dead.

"What if it is a joke?" I asked desperately.

"I've got an address. It's not a joke," David smiled and ran to disappear into his room.

It's a joke. A sick, twisted joke some screwed up teens are playing. He won't bring her home. I swear, he's insane.

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