75: Two shots

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Ally did as she said she would and was at the house by ten o'clock. She brought McDonald's but we barely ate it. No one really felt like eating. I was so nervous I was shaking. David made calls and talked to the detectives. All too soon, eleven o'clock rolled around and the trade was about to be made.

I followed Bourne to a police car with my sister following me. We all hopped in and I nervously played with my phone, tossing it from one hand to the next.

There were so many things that could happen, it was hard to think with all of them clouding your mind. Someone nudged me and I looked at Ally.

She gave me a little smile, "Hey, it's gonna be okay."

I nodded, "I-I know."

We took off down the road and I guess to the east side. Bourne made orders from the front seat and talked with people who were the main points of the operation about to take place. We started into the dingy side of town and went over some old railroad tracks.

"The warehouse is just up here in this lot," Bourne said and my heart thumped like a rabbits.

We turned off and pulled up in front of a large warehouse. Lyra's in there. I had to restrain myself from jumping out and running to go get her. Bourne stepped out of the car and turned to look at us, "You two stay here. We have enough civilians in danger as it is."

I scowled at him but Ally held my arm, "Okay."

He shut the door and joined other officers, along with David. I was pretty surprised to see a big S.W.A.T car pull up next to us. Armored men in black suits got out of the back and filed into the space between the cars and the doors of the place.

The officers were fairly close, so I could hear all of the plans they were making. Bourne was the man with the plan so he spoke, "Okay, no one goes in right now. I want snipers on adjacent buildings. We'll take them out on the roof."

On the roof? Why?

"I want the special ops pilot in that chopper, armed. We do this carefully, a lot is riding on this."

Damn right. Lyra's life is in danger. A few moments later, the roar of engines soared over head. I tried to watch the helicopter land on the roof of the warehouse. So that's how they're going to take them out on the roof.

But why take them out here? It could put Lyra in danger. I squirmed in my seat, trying to hear what they were saying.

David held his phone tightly, "What do we do right now?"

"We wait. Richard will make the first move and then instruct us from there," Bourne grumbled.

An ambulance pulled up and paramedics stood on hand, waiting incase something was to happen. I felt like we just sat  there for what felt like forever. Ally constantly tried to reassure me that everything was going to be fine and we just needed to stay calm. I stiffened when David called Bourne over quickly.

I clambered over Ally so I could listen.

"He's calling. I answer, right?" David asked nervously.

"Yes," Bourne nodded.

David tapped the button with a shaking finger. Richards face showed up on the screen, stone like. Alexandra stood behind him, smiling like a crazy person.

"Hello? Yes?" David mumbled, holding the camera up to his face.

"Hello David. So do you have what we require?" Richard asked.

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