73: Do we have a deal?

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We eventually went back to the house for something to eat. David got a pizza because none of us felt like going out or cooking anything right now. Cops crawled all over the house like ants, bugging the lines and all technology in here. The detective I resented barked orders twenty four seven and never seemed to stop.

I poked at my slice of pepperoni and cheese pizza. I was really hungry but felt like I couldn't eat. David sat across from me, gnawing on his own piece. A buzzing sound caught our attention a small David pulled out his phone.

He looked at me in confusing as a face time call was alerting us. Bourne snapped his attention to us, "Quiet! All of you!"

The chatter of the other police died down and they all looked at us.

"I don't know this number," David mumbled, "Do I answer it?"


He tapped the green button and waited, setting his phone on top of a table center piece to make it level with his face.

I watched his face contort into a mixture of shock and horror, "Lyra?!"

"What?!" I exclaimed, jumping up from my spot and pushing people out of my way until I was beside him.

I sat down in the chair and gasped at the sight on the screen. Lyra sat strapped to a chair, a bloody mess with a gag in her mouth. She had a black eye, a cut a over her eyebrow that made blood trickle down her face and she looked like she was about to pass out.

"Jay where are you?!" I asked quickly, searching her eyes that were full of tears.

She shook her head as if she didn't want me to find her.

"It's going to be okay Lyra, I promise," I tried to reassure her. My voice was broken and tears started to blur my vision.

"Hello there. David, I have a proposition for you," A mans voice came from inside the room.

"Richard?" David growled beside me.

"The one and only. Now do you want your daughter back or not?" He said in a bored tone.

"Yes, I'll do anything," David whispered.

Richard walked around the camera to stand next to Lyra. I hated how close he was to her.

"First off, I want you to clean out your bank account and turn it into cash. I don't care how you get it here, I just want it. Second, if any cops come into this building and touch this door," he held up the end of a string. I was confused until the camera was turned and we saw a gun pointing directly at Lyra, the string attached to the trigger.

Neither of us were able to say a word.

"Your little girl goes bye-bye. I want a plane to be ready for us with a pilot who can fly anywhere. In exchange for her life, we get a free pass to that plane and out of the US. I know police officers are there so come on out," Richard said in a business voice.

Police stood behind us but didn't say anything.

"Do we have a deal?" Richard smirked.

"Yes, of course. When do you want this?" David asked quickly, gripping the table hard.

"Tomorrow at noon," He said with a steely voice.

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