77: Who knew they were insane?

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They wouldn't let me in Lyra's room. I hadn't left the waiting room but Ally had just gone to get food or something like that. 

Immediate family only, they kept saying. But they were 'sorry' for the trauma. I took the doctor aside and explained to him what Lyra and I were to each other. He had laid a hand on my shoulder and said he was sorry, but it was protocol. "Maybe I can get you a waiting room close to her. I'll go see," He said before he left.

I tried to not be angry with him, it wasn't his fault. Then I had asked about visiting hours. Again, the nurse had said no because Lyra had not woken up yet.

When I asked why, they said her body had put itself into a shock coma. Apparently it was normal for people who had gone through severe trauma. The body did this so it could heal itself faster. I tried to understand it but all my mind was focused on was Lyra waking up. She could be out for a few more hours, few more days...or longer.

Mom had called earlier, desperately wanting to know what had happened. Jake had joined in and actually wanted to come straight down here. But I told him to stay because he had a family now and he was supposed to stay there with them. He reluctantly agreed.

Reporters wouldn't leave me alone at first. They all wanted to know what had happened to the shot hostage. All the details, they cried. After I punched one in the eye and smashed a camera against the wall, the hospital security got a hold of them all and banned them.


I stopped rubbing the bloodied bandages on my knuckles.

I looked up to see Ally holding a McDonald's bag and a stack of clothes. I raised an eyebrow and she sighed, "It's been a whole twenty four hours. You need to take a shower and eat something."

"Why do I need a shower? And I ate that muffin you brought me," I said, my voice tiredly dragging. 

"Because .....you have dried blood all over you and I brought you that muffin last night," She sat the bag down next to me and thrust the clothes into my hands.

A nurse walked up to us right then and smiled at me, "Sir, we have a room you two can use. Mr.Kellie doesn't wish to use the ICU family room, he wants to stay with the patient, so he said you guys can use it. You can shower and have dinner in there."

I stood up and nodded, fairly happy I was going to be closer to Lyra. Ally grabbed the bag and I clutched the clothes to my chest as we were taken to the ICU. Everything smelled awful in here. Like cleaner.

I almost couldn't take it as it gave me a headache. Outside a few doors, people were crying over their loved ones. The nurse looked at us, "I always hated this ward. It holds the most sadness."

She directed us to a room and I stood by the door, "Where's Lyra's room?"

"Uhm remember sir-"

"I know, I'm not allowed in it. I just want to know where she is," I interrupted with a small voice and Ally nudged me. Probably trying to tell me not to be rude, but I could care less right now.

"She's in room one ninety. Down the hall from here," The nurse sighed.

I just nodded and opened the door to our waiting room. It was pretty open. A cot sat on the ground, a tv was in a corner, a window made up a side of one wall.

"The shower is around this corner," The nurse said, probably staring at the handprint on my cheek.

I went ahead and stepped inside, taking off my bloody clothes and stepping into the very small hospital shower. I didn't take long. I changed into the clothes Ally had brought and went out into the room.

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