32: Oops

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Lyra and I played in the snow until sunset. Our clothes were soaked and we were cold. Finally, we went back inside. We hung our clothes around the fire to dry off. Lyra of course put on one of my long sleeves shirts with leggings and socks.

She twisted her hair into a bun. I'll never understand how females do that, it's just so strange.

"Thank you Nathan, today was awesome," Lyra said, pecking my cheek and making me blush again.

"Anything for you Jay, happy birthday. How old are you anyway?" I felt bad for not knowing.

"I'm twenty one," she grinned.

"Ah the big numbers now," I chuckled.

"You know, I really wish we had hot cocoa just to top it all off," Lyra said wistfully.

I thought for a moment and an idea popped into my head. Reaching over, I pulled my duffel closer and searched through the inside pocket. I pulled out a bottle of good ol' Jack Daniels.

"Will this do? I mean, you are legal now," I smiled.

She gasped and grabbed it, "You had this and you didn't tell me? This is the best twenty first birthday ever!"

I unscrewed the never before opened bottle cap and took a sip. It left a pleasant burn going down my throat.

"Wanna try some?" I offered.

Lyra hesitated for a second and I didn't press her.

"Well, I am twenty one," she took the bottle and took a rather large swig before I could warn her. 

I chuckled when she coughed and made a face, "Wow that's strong, but pretty good."

She passed it back to me and we happily ended her birthday with some booze.

"I hope you're not a light weight," I chuckled a while later.

"Pft, naw. I can hold my liquor jus-just fine!" Lyra giggled, buzzed enough to make me take the bottle from her.

"I don't want you to get drunk there hun, hangovers are bitches," I laughed attempting to screw the cap back on.

"I'm not gonna get drunk!" She claimed and took the bottle back.

I was reluctant to let her drink any more. Between the two of us, half of the bottle was empty.

She got drunk, like I'd feared she would. I hid the bottle from her eventually and said it was empty. Drunk Lyra was a funny thing to watch. She randomly sang songs and claimed she wanted to dance.

"Dance with meeeee," she begged and grabbed my hand.

"There's no music," I protested.

"Since when do you need music to dance? Is it a rule or something? Whatever, I'm a rule breaker anyway!" She giggled and pulled me up.

"Let's salsa!"

I laughed, a little buzzed myself, and put one hand on her hip, holding her hand with the other. We three stepped, not very well, and I spun her around.

"Cha-cha-cha!" Lyra squealed and leaned against me.

"Maybe we should go to bed?" I chuckled.

"Noooo, I don't want my birthday to end!" She laughed.

"Alright," I smiled and sat down. She plopped down beside me and just looked at me, smiling.

"What?" I finally asked.

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