82: Black Beauty

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It was only a few days later when May called, asking when they were coming back. She wasn't pressuring, she just wanted to know.

Nathan told her our plan and she wished us good luck excitedly. We told Ally a few hours ago and she was so excited. I had decided that, either way, whether my dad liked this or not, I was going to do what I had to do.

Nathan held my hand tightly as we walked to the living room. Dad was sitting in his recliner, watching some show I didn't recognize.

"Daddy?" I asked in an innocent voice.

"Yeah pumpkin?" He turned and smiled at me.

"Nathan and Ally have to go home soon," I said, sitting on the couch and Nathan sat next to me.

"Really?" Dad murmured and eyed our stance, sensing something was up.

"And I want to go with them," I said quietly, playing with my arrowhead nervously.

He was quiet for a moment, "Where will you stay? I mean, I know why you're going."

He looked at Nathan specifically.

"I want to move in with Nathan. He invited me and I want to," I smiled.

"What about college? You got accepted..." He mumbled, chewing his bottom lip.

"I was looking into colleges near Nathan's place and I found one I really like. I'm going to apply for it in the spring," I grinned. That's what I had found a few days ago and instantly knew I wanted to go to ATCC. Austin Texas Community College.

Dad was quiet again and my heart began to sink. I still wanted his approval, even if I didn't need it. I really needed to get out of the house. I was twenty one, for gods sake. I had to stop sharing my dads' job and go get my own. I'm not sure why he hadn't just tossed me out into the world like most parents, but we weren't exactly a normal family.

"Alright. If this is what you want," He smiled at me.

"I do, I really want this," I grinned excitedly, my grip on Nathan's hand tightening.

"Good. I think you should go for it. What do you plan to do?" His grin mirrored mine.

"Well, I talked with Nathan and the only reason he didn't feel like taking over the ranch was because his dad was pressuring him and there was nothing there for him, but he really enjoys ranching. I wanted to go into something with animals so maybe I'll take some Ag classes, shadow with Ally and become a farm veterinarian," I glanced at Ally and she smiled brightly.

"At least you have a plan and that's enough for me," Dad nodded.

I felt so relieved. I jumped up and ran over to hug my father. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"So when do you plan on going?" He asked.

I pulled back and stood beside his chair, "Well we were wanting to go as soon as possible."

"I'll pay for the U-haul," Dad smiled at me.

I laughed and looked at him, "It's as if you want me to leave dad."

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