25: Matt?

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I woke up early, like usual. Again, Lyra had her favorite spot occupied. Her head on my chest, her body pressed against my side, and her leg thrown over both of mine. Her hair was all over, even in her face. I gently brushed it away. God was she beautiful.

I wish I could tell her that. Would it make things too weird? We were practically roommates- no, we're cave-mates.

I felt like I'd jeopardize whatever friendship we'd built out here if I made a move on her.

I almost did yesterday. Her lips were so close. They looked soft and pink in a Cupids bow shape, I almost couldn't help myself. Baine, my self declared wingman, knocked me out of it. But my biggest concern was that, I knew I didn't want to leave her. Somehow, she had the highest hope that we were going to get out of here.

But getting out of here meant going our separate ways. I didn't want to separate ways. I wanted to stay with her. I wanted to travel the world with this girl and quit the ranching life.

My father would have a heart attack.

I knew my promise would never expire, I would protect Lyra as long as she was with me. We only had winter and a chunk of spring together before we would head to my cabin. I'm sure it's in this part of the mountains somewhere.

Baine sat up and yawned. He pawed at the door, wanting to be let out.

Lyra stretched, almost clocking me in the face at the same time, and rolled away from me. I smiled at her before getting up and getting my things together.

It wasn't too cold but I still put my jacket over my grey short sleeved shirt, pairing it all with dark jeans and my regular old boots. Waking the fire, I gathered my things and opened the door. Baine dashed out and shot into the lake, scaring a bunch of ducks.

I shook my head and walked through the crack. Today we didn't do bad at all with two rabbits, three minks and only one squirrel. Baine brought a duck back for lunch. 

We were doing okay for winter so far. I field dressed them all quickly and efficiently. Minks weren't of much use for meat, they were too lean with stringy muscle. So I shucked them out of their skins and tossed them to Baine, who'd followed me out.

We were starting to become buddies, finally. Lyra and I were the only two people he trusted. 

Tying all of our food together on a string, I sat with my back against a tree.

Why was this so hard and confusing? When I first got here, I, very stupidly, pulled the flirting card. Now I couldn't call it flirting, it was something else. Something more genuine.

More confused than I had been yesterday, I threw my jacket to the side. Whenever I needed to clear my head, I'd work out. There wasn't any equipment here, but it was close enough.

I started with pull ups on a very thick branch of the tree. It wasn't long before I started to sweat and tossed my shirt. I think I've been gone a little longer than I usually would be, but I hope Lyra wouldn't get worried.

Why would she? She knows I'm a big boy.

I hung upside down on the same branch and started to do crunches. I felt like I could feel my abs disappearing after not working out for weeks.









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