68: Forget about it all

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I excitedly shook Nathan's arm "He's here!!"

I couldn't wait. I threw open the door and ran down the steps. Dad jumped out of his truck and gaped at me, relief and shock in his eyes. I launched myself at him, throwing my arms around his neck.

He caught me and hugged me back tightly. I sobbed happily into his shoulder and breathed in the smell of his old work shirt.

"I knew you were alive...I knew it..." He cried.

"I missed you so much," I sobbed softly.

"I missed you too, life hasn't been the same without you," Dad said, kissing my hair.

After a moment, we pulled away and he wiped my tears away.

He squinted at me, "What happened to your-"

"Nothing! Nothing at all! Aha- Want to go inside? I have someone I want you to meet," I hurriedly as I smiled and took his arm.

"Sure," Dad just nodded, a silly grin on his face. 

Nathan's family smiled when we walked through the door. I gestured to Nathan, "Daddy, this is Nathan."

"Nice to meet you sir," Nathan smiled and stuck his hand out. Dad shook his hand with a grin, "You too young man. Are you the one who brought my daughter back to me?"

Nathan and I exchanged glances. I dreaded telling my dad about what had all happened.  We sat dad down and told him everything that had happened. Minus Nathan and I being more than friends..we didn't want to overload dad.

By the time we were done, he just stared at me in shock. I took his hand, "Dad? Say something..."

"I-I knew you could survive the worst but I never imagined..." He said quietly and looked at Nathan, "What can I say? Can I- ...could I pay you? I don't know how to thank you..."

"That won't be necessary sir," Nathan smiled.

"Call me David son," Dad grinned and I did a happy dance eternally. Dad likes Nathan...god I can breath again.

"Lyra hon, I think we should be going. I want to start home," Dad stood up, smiling at me.

I suddenly didn't want to go, "Well..don't you want to wait till morning-"

"No, no. I'd like to get home sooner than later. Go get your stuff," He grinned happily.

"I'll help you," Nathan pushed back his chair quickly and I nodded, going towards Ally's room. As soon as we rounded the corner and were out of sight, I was pushed against the wall and Nathan took over my lips.

I kissed him back deeply and he grabbed my hips to pull me towards him. I pulled away for air as he kissed my cheek.

"Please don't go..." He mumbled into the crook of my neck.

I took a deep breath and hugged him to me, "Nathan I have to."

"You'll call everyday?"

"Of course," I promised. I reached into my back pocket, "Here. A memory I guess. I wondered when to give it to you."

I handed Nathan the bear claw on a silver chain. I'd cleaned it up and put it on one of my own old necklace chains I'd brought. I reached into my shirt and pulled out the arrowhead on the string of leather, "We've got one each now."

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