81: I like galas

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We had until eight to get to the gala and I was going to get ready at seven. It was only five, so I sat down on my bed and opened my laptop to screw around for a little while.

I checked Facebook and skimmed over things I didn't really care about. And then I started to think about what was going to happen when Ally and Nathan had to go home.

There was obviously no way I was separating from Nathan for that long again, call me clingy but I don't give a shit. If I wasn't going with him, I was sure he'd refuse to leave me. Of course, my brilliant mind came up with a solution. A crazy solution.

My fingers typed in an absurd idea in the search bar but I went with it. I scrolled through the results and started picking things to read about. Then I started picking favorites.

Nathan popped his head into my room and smiled, "Hey girlfriend."

I grinned at him. He'd been doing this for the past hour.

"Hey boyfriend," I countered and sat up, crossing my legs.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked, plopping down next to me.

I held my breath and bit my lip, turning my laptop so he could see. His eyes scanned the screen and widened a fraction of an inch. His mouth opened and closed before he looked at me, "Jay are you sure?"

I nodded and smiled, "I'm not leaving you again. What were you going to do when it's time to go home?"

He shrugged, "Dunno. Whatever it was, I was going to stay with you."

"I figured," I chuckled.

"But what about your forever home..."

"I've found my home Nathan," I grinned.

"Really?" He asked dubiously.

"Yeah. Home doesn't have to be a place, it can be a person," I said and he beamed.

He closed the laptop and set it aside, pulling me into his lap, "You know I love you right?"

"You tell me a thousand times a day," I chuckled.

"What about your dad?" He asked quietly.

"I don't even know. I've been back for about three weeks. Richards in for life. I hope that was enough time for him to get over his shock," I mumbled, leaning into his chest.

"He'll never get over almost loosing you twice Jay. I know I wouldn't and I'm not going to," Nathan sighed.

"I can't live with my dad forever. I have to..leave the nest," I chuckled, that was supposed to happen a while ago anyway.

Ally busted through the door, grinning wildly like usual, "Oops, did I interrupt something?"

"Yea-" Nathan grumbled.

"No," I elbowed Nathan, trying to get him to not be rude to his sister.

"Good. Nathan, get out. We need to start getting ready," Ally smiled.

Nathan groaned unhappily, "Why do I have to leave?"

"She's got to change?" Ally said as if it was obvious and it was.

"I've seen her naked, so that doesn't matter," Nathan smirked and I turned bright red, smacking his chest, "Nathan!"

"Whaaaaat? It's my sister," He laughed boyishly.

I climbed out of his lap, "Exactly!"

I looked at Ally, who had a disgusted look on her face, "Sorry. Get him back if you like."

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