Epilogue 2 (as requested)

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~4 years later~

The Wesley farm was flourishing in Nathan and I's backyard. Randy had retired after he took a rather nasty fall and injured his hip last year. So he passed off his dairy and steer production to our family. I had no problem with taking on the work, and neither did Nathan. 

I sat on my back porch quietly this morning, drinking hot coffee and leaning back in my deck chair as I watched the sun rise. I never used to be a morning person, but now, I was always up before the chickens, so to speak. Nathan had been in the fields late last night, so I let him sleep. Birds chirped happily and played in the apple trees. 

I smiled at the peace and serenity of my spot in the world. Pink, orange, gold, and purple light cast a beautiful glow about the farm, illuminating my life. Baine lounged at my feet, content with the peace, like myself. I chuckled as Luna, our fluffy white barn cat, purred happily, rubbing against him. 

This silence, of course, was rare. 

I smiled as I heard the fast pounding of little feet. I prepared myself and easily evaded sloshing my coffee as a heavy bundle leapt into my lap. I chuckled as I set my coffee aside, "Good morning baby."

"Mommie, I want cheerios," My four year old in camo pj's grinned up at me with a slightly snaggletoothed smile. I grinned down at him, "Cheerios? What about banana pancakes?"

My son ginned at me, "Both!"

I laughed and scooped him up, turning to walk back inside, "We'll see about that."

I walked into the bedroom and smiled slyly at the lump in the blankets. I looked down at David and whispered in his ear, "Get him!"

David leapt out of my hands and squealed, landing on his fathers sleeping form. Nathan sat up sleepily and smiled, snatching up our son to tickle him, "Hey little man!"

David shrieked and giggled as he wriggled around to get away from Nathan. I laughed and left the bedroom, letting them play. We were a nest of morning birds, if you haven't noticed. I went to the kitchen and opened up the fridge, getting out some ingredients. 

I happily set about making breakfast before we got around for the day. I hummed as I got out a pan and greased it before mixing some pancake batter. As much as I loved my baby, I couldn't let him eat cereal every morning like he wanted to. He was a growing boy, most definitely going to be big like his father, and he needed some real food. 

I cracked some eggs into a separate pan and got out a spatula. 

Being a mother is...How do I explain it? An adventure within its own. I never thought I could love anyone more, but that all changes when you look into your baby's eyes for the first time. Parenting wasn't all giggles and sparkles. It was messy, tiring, sometimes grinding, and a lot to keep up with. But I loved it. I was never bored. 

I never knew my favorite job would be raising my babies, but I do now. I finally had my Veterinary Nutritionalist degree and was happily taking care of not only our farm, but helping others with theirs as well. 

I shifted one leg to make room for David, who had decided to hide in front of me while Nathan chased him into the kitchen, "Careful baby."

David giggled at my feet playfully, sticking his tongue out at Nathan. 

"Come 'ere!" My husband lurched for our son, grinning at him. David dashed away and streaked into the living room.

Nathan chuckled and stood up. I smiled as he wrapped an arm around my waist and turned me around, holding me to his chest, "Good morning beautiful."

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