The Rockstar

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My morning routine.

Before I go to work where my family owns the company, of course. We eat breakfast together, no if's and but's we should always be complete no matter what because we only see each other every breakfast and dinner. Yup, My family's pretty busy at work.

Over the weekend, I stayed home and thought through everything that happened during the night at Valk last friday. i couldn't really remember how I got home. There's this saying that goes,

"Nothing good happens after 3:00am"

Well I was right, because after they left us we were crazier. I couldn't even remember what happened after that,


Honestly speaking, all I could remember was that new girl whom she thought I was a lesbian too. Like, who? Me? A lesbian? No freaking way. Never going to happen. PERIOD.

I went inside my car and hurried up for a scheduled meeting at the company. As I was driving, I just felt the need to ask myself something.

"Who was that Glaiza?"

"Why do I always feel something different when I look her in the eyes? Her gestures attracts me, her laughter tickles me, her manirisms interests me and her stare makes me feel that I don't own myself anymore. That I'm willing to dive into her world." As I continued driving while I ask myself these questions.



ring.. ring.. ring..

"Jas Calling"

"Hey Jas, what's up?" As I answered my phone and I picked up the car keys from my desk and went straight to the parking area.

"You wanna go grab some dinner? We know this place where foods are really authentic and pretty healthy. Its new, just along here at Tomas Morato." jas said.

"Morato? thats like south pole to north pole. You know im too far there. Can we just meet halfway or something we all could benefit?" as i opened my car and went to the driver's seat.

"No Rhian, we already made reservations and it took me two weeks to get this. I really want to try it, ppppppphuuul-ez?" as she begged like a spoiled kid.

"ugh. alright, alright. spoiled brat. where's bianca? tell her im gonna pick her up so we could come together. she owe me some keys!" as i started my engine.

"oh, she's not coming. she said she's busy tonight. meeting up with some new girl she met at her dad's press conference." jas sighed and nodded her head while slightly smiling.

"typical bianca. Ha Ha." i said.
"well i guess some people could never really learn how to fall inlove. its like her 4th girl this week? Ha Ha. anyway i'll be there in 40ninutes, hope traffic wont kill me!" i added.

"Okay we'll just wait for you here. And oh, by the way i have some surprise for you." i swear i heard her giggle a little as she said that. Ugh.

"what? surprise? for what Jas?" i said.
"bye! see you!" toot.. toot.. toot..

"weird." then i hanged up.

35 minutes later..

"Runners Kitchen?" as i read the name of the restaurant outside. this is ridiculous, there's so much people here i dont know how could we relax in this place. I had a long day, i was about to leave but then someone pulled my arms.

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