Game Over

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Have you ever been in a situation where you don't have any choice but to just come out clean?

Can it be? That Glaiza found out that I am not in love with Bianca, that I've chosen to lie because I got scared? scratch that, I GOT FREAKING COWARD to fight for the woman I love. Just because it's wrong to defy society's expectations.

"What about it?" I asked bravely as I held my breath.

"Oh nothing, it's just funny because, I do  remember I gave something to you that looks exactly alot like this. Did you know that there are only 2 of these in the world? I should know because I bought it to an old ancient retailer from Beijing. But you know what's interesting, Rhian?" She said as she whispered the last line.

I nodded sideways as a sign of innocence on what she is accusing me.

"I found it where I was on a date with Solenn last week and the other one is with an old lady at Hong Kong. Do you care to explain why im holding yours?" She said frankly. She wasn't even holding back.

"That's not mine." I lied. I freaking lied.

"Oh yeah? I discovered from a very reliable source, that for a fact, you wear it every single damn day. Where's yours?" She asked that made me feel like I was nailed to my seat. There's no point on running from this. Her expression seemed to get pissed by the minute.

"I left it at the house. I gave it to mom for safe keeping. Maybe that's a fake one." I lied and even insulted her. Again. Im a freaking liar for goodness sakes. What is wrong with me?

"Are you sure? Because it even smells like you." She said as she inhaled the bracelet. That felt weird for me. Weirdly cute, that is.

"Stop it. I already told you Glai, it's not mine." I said as lowered my head and unconsciously bit my finger.

I saw how her meniscing look shifted to a devilish smile when she noticed my mannerism. She giggled and tried to calm herself as she took the fork and dig in to her dessert. Why? What did I do?

"Alright. Since we can't seem to understand each other. I'll just tell how my dates with Solenn went." She said as she sat gracefully and laid the fork back on the table.

"Be my guess." I said as casual as I can. I was good at hiding and lying, right? This is becoming my hobby now.. But why the f*ck am I doing this?

"It was a week before halloween, we went to this fine restaurant. It looks the same but I think it's structure is unique in its own way because, Solenn, being the owner meant that she was the mind behind its architecture and Im telling you it's exquisite." She said proudly. What is she trying to do? I mean, is she even trying to make me Jealous?

"Oh really?" I said as I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Then, at the middle of our conversation the manager went to our table and asked us if we were expecting any guest. We weren't, well that's what I thought. He described them as two lovely weird ladies." She said as she smiled.

"What did he mean by weird?? I mean... Oh. Okay. Cool. What else did he say? Its not like im interested or something but.... What the hell did he say?" I asked eagerly as I murdered the cake that was infront of me. Woooh. Calm down, Rhian. Act natural.

At first, I saw Glai's eyes widen in shock because I gave no mercy to the cake but after a split second she was back to being calmed. " He said the woman left a message before they ran away. Do you want to know what the woman said to Solenn?" She said as she looked closely at me.

"What?" I asked with a straight face. I need to atleast try not to be too obvious.

"She was there to get something back." Glaiza said and I swear I saw her smirk.

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