- M.

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First of all, hello.

So I was kinda wondering if you'd like me to still go on with the story for like 20 chapters or something like that? We'll cry, get angry, get fraustrated, get too happy and maybe fall inlove all over again. or you'd like me to shorten the period and just get it over with? I mean, I can get a perfect catch for the ending yada-yada-yada in a short span of time so we could just move on.

That's because I am planning to publish a new book, and its called (nope you're not gonna know it yet book.) kidding aside. Im hoping you guys can still read it tho its not about rastro anymore, BUT (yep, there's a but) I can assure you, im going to save you from a love story that's ship has probably sanked so that we can no longer live in their shadows. BUT (here goes another but) im telling you, this next book will be alot different. It would have a different style and approach. You know why? Because it doesnt need anymore to stick on a storyline (rastro will be forever in our hearts.) thats obviously imprinted already in our soul. It means that, there will no longer be limitations regarding on anything. You'll be surprised to know whats enstored for you and what awaits you, oh my dear readers.

As long as you and I can imagine it, I can write it. The only limit is my imagination. And im telling you, its a whole world of crazy inside this little mind of mine.

Im not forcing you, heck I am not even compelling you to do it. Not even promoting it. Im asking you a favor not as your author but as a friend. Well, basically friends are someone who knows you inside right? And for the record, you've been inside my mind more than anyone could imagine as you've read my first published book and thats more than enough to call you guys my friends.

Oh btw. Every time you give me comments, messages or even mere symbols, always remember that I read EVERYTHING. So just dont be too harsh on the update please. Update. Update. Update. *zombie voice* I know you can do better small talks than that.

Im very thankful and happy to hear such support from you. So next time you'll input a comment, remember that I am watching you. (Cue low piano key.) Im kidding, cant a girl give a joke? Lol. I love reading them. Period.

Oh, and dont forget to hit the star icon on your favorite chapters. You can Message me, comment, suggest, you guys need an advice? whatever. Lets build an empire of lesbians, gay, homo, hobo whatever. where I am the Queen Bee. And you shall bow down to me. Lol tuntuntuntuuuun. Can you just laugh already? No? Okay.

Again, whatever you choose, no pressure.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
Lets talk.

P.S: Oh, I replaced my profile picture with my real face so that you'd get to know your author a little more. Please dont tell me im ugly or else im going to delete this book. Nooooo. Kidding.

Stay with me.
- M.

HER (girlxgirl)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ