Bonus Chapter: The wish

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Usually the morning sky is my favorite part but today was different, the sky was nothing at all. It's like a child had began to draw on it with a pencil and then erased it in a way that smudged and spread the grey.

The clouds was a thick blanket of fog hovering thirty feet from the ground. As I gazed upon a beautiful bird covered with metal plates for a body and a fixed wing aircraft that is propelled forward by thrust as it zoomed away from where I was standing.

The sky never failed to amaze her, I can imagine her smiling through her window, appreciating the beauty mother nature is allowing her to witness. The sky was filled with mysteries and endless amounts of space. It was what she needed at the moment and the universe finds its way to grant what her heart's desire. Space.

And here I was,  about to board my own steel bird before I gaze back to the mansion and how much it gave us different memories and experiences.

What a vacation.

A few minutes more, we finally sat on our chairs as the plane took off and collided with the dark blue sky. Looking down at the island gave me different feelings from spine chilling memories to surprisingly warm moments that made me smile like an idiot and how it will never be the same again after what happened in this very place. How it taught us a valuable lesson.

I didn't realize that I fell asleep only when I heard someone cleared her throat that dragged me back to life.

"You look pale," Liza said with a warm smile. "Do you need a blood donor or something?"

"I'm anemic. This is who I am." I said under my breath.

"She's not in the mood, clearly to talk to you. She looks like a Type AB+ girl. They are very strict in their diet like they shouldn't drink caffeine when stressed out and very kin with details when they show that they lack interest in you. Super control freaks by the way," George said while giggling. I know she means well. I was just not in the mood for jokes.

"Shut up, she's blood type O. Almost everyone is. " Liza said.

"Solenn's blood type is AB+." I said that made Liza glaire at George.

"But bro seriously your skin, you look like a vampire." George said as she looks at Liza in a confused expression.  "You know, when she eats her victim while she's on her period."

"Goodness gracious! That's gross! You are such a perv!" Liza exclaimed.

"Oh really? Gross? Is that why you let me ..?" George was cut short when a shoe flew from nowhere and smashed into her face. If I wasn't so heart broken, I would have laughed hard at the situation.

But their childish stunts are making me more irritated. Even any slightest movement can get me off my mood right now. I leaned on the window and closed my eyes. I was so close to dreaming again when,

"I feel like I'm compelled to ask you this," I heard Jess's voice that interrupted my connection with an alternate reality I was at.

"Hmm." I hummed, not even looking at her. 

I felt how she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Knowing that it bothers her as much as it bothers me. "Are you scared? Or are you not ready?"

My brow raised at her question but it didn't gave me the mood to look at her.

"I have never been so scared in my entire existence. Maybe because she is the most important person in my life and I am wishing for her to forget about me so to answer your next question, yes, I am not ready. And I will never be ready for this." I sighed. "I just.. really have to."

HER (girlxgirl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon