Lucky Charm Bracelet

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Mt. Agung or Gunung Agung

We are on our way to Besaki Temple for our starting point. We've composed ourselves and made sure we were physically ready for our trekking at Mt. Agung.

Why were we going on this hour? And what was the purpose?


to catch the beautiful sunrise here at Bali.

Mount Agung or Gunung Agung is Bali's highest and holiest mountain as it is believed as the home of the God. Its located in Karangasem Regency, Bali, Indonesia. Mount Agung Bali stands 3,142 meters above sea level, can be summitted by 5 to 7 hours from Besakih Temple starting point.

As we arrive at the starting point,

Me, Jas, Joanne, Nikki, Chyna and Glaiza are all wearing our trekking gears, have our tour guides with us, game faces on and we're good to go.

The hike was really exhausting so every now and then we stop for a rest and energize ourselves with a bottle of refreshments.

"You okay?" Glaiza asked me.

"Im fine." I said quietly as my face was all sweaty and my ears were as red as a tomato.

I cant deny the fact that im still conscious about what she asked me the night of our bonfire. It keeps on playing in my mind like its on replay.

"Its 2am and were hiking for almost 3hrs now, I hope we can reach the top before sunrise." Jas said.

"Even if we dont make it to the top by sunrise, the view from here is already extraordinary." Chyna said

"This might be the best vacation we ever had." Nikki said feeling emotional

"Come to think of it, the things we've experience at this very moment will always stay with us." Joanne said

As they all have the determination with them, I said to them,

"This vacation was just supposed to be simple and its goal was to give us some break from our toxic lives in MNL, but rather it gave us so much more.

Every step we take gives us the feeling that we are one step closer to reaching ahead whats waiting for us.

And we will remember this day, as to each and everyone who's with us today.

The road to this unforgettable experience going through every pointy rocks, slippery muds, big bag packs, heavy breathing and the urge to go further.

The moment we see the undeniable beauty of the sunrise right before our very eyes at the top of Mt. Agung,

every sweat, blood, cramps, muscle pain and every hardship we've encountered just to get to the top,

we can say that..."

"It's gonna be worth it." Glaiza said

as she finished my sentence and looked deeply into my eyes and flashed the biggest smile i've ever seen, its as if she meant something else.

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