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Have you ever met someone that gets your pathetic humour? And I don't just mean someone who'd giggle in your lousy attempt to deliver a joke. No, someone who can read between the lines and openly laugh as she holds her stomach in the floor.

And by that, you probably thought that you met the person that can shrug past all your imperfections and saw how beautiful your soul is just by looking through your plain brown eyes.

For a minute you thought that, you finally met the one.

Then you see yourself in a situation where you badly want to stay. You get the most remarkable feeling that you thought wasn't possible to feel because you somehow remembered that stupid line from a song that says only fools rush in but you couldn't help it, because you are falling in love.

Then you remember something important and you mentally kick yourself because how can you forget that you already promised your heart to somebody else?

But with this one?

You met her in the dark, she lit you up. She made you feel that you are enough. You both danced the night away because you drank too much. You held her hair back when she was throwing up, then she smiled over her shoulder. For a minute you were stone cold sober as you held her closer to your chest.

You knew you loved her then but she can never know.

So you had to play it cool,

because you're scared that you have to let her go.


Different roses abound in the enchanted garden from where we were and each one had a different scent. Some smell like the old fashion one's, some smell like citrus notes and some had apple scented leaves that adds it's own dimension of fragrance.

But my favorite scent, which I most adore, was from the one standing awkwardly in front of me.

I let myself sync into a deep thought of how powerful it made me feel when I leaned in for a kiss.

I can't help feeling the adrenaline of my heart as I reached in for her hand and how I felt so protected and secure in her presence.

I let my eyes stay close for a minute. I was so afraid of what she might say.

I know she's in love with another woman but I am not asking anything greater than a kiss.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw nothing but a perfect brown eyes that was staring intensely when I pulled away.

I saw confusion and my heart ached at the sight of her being unsure. She was about to say something when she pried her mouth shut. I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable so I gave her time to compose what she wanted to say.

I want to tell myself that there is no chance between me and her but that will be lying.

I saw how her pupils diluted every time my presence tends to cross her personal space. I saw how she looks at me with good intentions but something is forbidding her to make a move. I saw how she steals glances and I felt how much she wanted to stare.

And that was enough for me to wait a little longer.

She was about to say something when, "Everyone! The portal is open! Come back! Quickly!" Georgina screamed from a distance not that far away from where we were standing.

"We need to go," Bianca said softly before she broke the stare and walked away. I just stood there, dumbfounded of being neglected. I slowly held my head down as I let her walk away from me with out even saying a single word.

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