Be careful what you wish for

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I hope that you end up with someone who loves you back. I don't mean someone that likes your rocking body figure or the one who thinks you're cool enough to make anybody laugh. I'm talking about someone who is honestly interested in you. Someone who will take the time to listen to your favorite songs. I don't just mean the songs you'll listen with a massive amount of people at a party but the songs you listen to when you are in the train going home, when you drive alone or when you fall asleep at night with your earphones on. Someone who wants to know what your favorite books are and will take the time to read them because they genuinely wants to see what intrigues that little mind of yours.

I want you to find someone who wants to know every damn detail about you.

In this world full of bullshits that does not give a damn about a happy ending, I hope you can find in your heart that little kid who still believes that peter pan does exist.


This was the night of the Gala that we all have been waiting for. For the past few weeks, it took us a lot of arguments about certain things, misunderstandings about certain beliefs, had to face a certain life and death situation to save a friend, got our hearts broken and made awful mistakes. But along the way we realise that, it was never too late to reach out and care for each other. To forgive a brother or to find a lover.

My dress was a little like the one's you see in the movies. It was a sexy navy blue strapless, sleeveless chiffon spliced high slit maxi dress. Was that a little difficult to remember? Anyhow, I took a glass of wine from the bar as I await patiently at the lobby area for someone before we proceed to the grand ballroom.

"I still can't believe how lucky I am to have you." A woman spoke from behind. It brought me a chilling feeling when she took my hand and pressed her lips sweetly on it. ''Bonjour, Mademoiselle.''

I turned my attention towards the mystery woman. My stomach did a summer sault as I let my eyes take her in every single angle. "I should be the one who is telling you that. Wow, you look so beautiful." I gazed upon the love of my life as she stood there looking dazzling as always in her white metallic long off shouldered sleeveless V neck dress with her golden belt. "Why thank you, hot stuff." She said as she turned around playfully teasing me with her outfit.

"We should go, they're waiting for us." I said as I took Solenn's hand and kissed it. "Stop it, you're making me blush." She said as she smiled sweetly at my gesture. "I never imagined that this day would come. You and me, going on a Gala and," I paused and stared at those mesmerizing brown eyes that she only let's me see. She unconsciously puts her guard down every time we're alone. And that's what I love the most about her. "Being my date." I said as I slowly walked towards her. She smelled like a sensual floral composition enriched with citrus fruit that engulfed me deeper. ''You want to do it on that bar?'' She whispered seductively to my ear. I smiled at her cheeky ways. ''Silly Solenn.'' I pinched her nose playfully. ''We don't want to be late, don't we?'' I said as I pulled her hand and dragged her towards the elevator. I punched in the arrow going up and the elevator did that ding sound as a sign that it was about to open, but as it opened Solenn pulled my hand and I felt her both hands on my face as she then pressed softly her lips on mine. My mind exploded of emotions and I wasn't aware of how people stared at us in complete shock. ''Now we can go.'' Solenn said and smirked as she pulled out of the kiss and dragged me inside the elevator gaining a few giggles and wooooh sounds. I really didn't care what they think about us for a moment, I was just happy to hold the hand of the most wonderful girl in this world.

The first thing I saw was a huge golden double door and beside it, there stood the head master. ''Welcome, children.'' She said with a mocking grin as we all stopped to pay respect. Respect to the dead that is. Kidding. Solenn leaned closer to my ear and whispered. ''I guess she still thinks we are children after the stunt I pulled huh.'' I giggled at Solenn and I guess the head master heard her as she turned her attention to us. ''Let's see who gets the last laugh.'' She said. What the heck does that mean? ''I hope you're not planning any more games tonight, Ms. Heusaff.'' The head master said to Solenn as she raised her eyebrow. ''Don't worry, someone already tamed me.'' Solenn said as she intertwined our fingers and gave me that genuine look that always makes me want to believe her immediately. ''You make me a better person.'' Solenn said as she stared intensely at my two brown eyes. I can't help but to fall helplessly deeper. But I guess this is too soon. I might be overwhelmed.

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