Perfect Stranger

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The moment was so unveiling as I saw how she unbelievably dove into the small pond. I wasn't really sure if what I just saw was true but my heart fell as the water swallowed her and just like that, she vanished.

"Oh my goodness." I whispered to myself. Trying my best not to pass out.

I was shaking, I didn't know what to do. One minute she was just standing there and staring at the pond like a total psychopath, another minute she looked at me and I felt her eyes screamed how much she loves me yet there was something I couldn't put my finger on.

"Solenn!" I screamed one last time as my knees fell into the ground. I sobbed silently, didn't know what to do. Things aren't getting any better these past few days. Why does every time one of us gets a happy moment, something so cruel keeps on snatching it away from us?

I stood up from the filthy ground and dashed away from the garden. My feet had a mind of it's own as I didn't even looked who I was bumping on the way back to my room. All I know is that, we shouldn't have came here at the first place. "Look out!" Rhian screamed as I smack into her forehead.

I saw stars as I laid full body on the floor. "Ouch, my goodness. That's gotta mark. What the hell happened to you?" Rhian growled over pain.

"You're not going to believe me." I said as I tapped my enormous bump on the head. "That Solenn jumped into the pond because Glaiza told her so?" Rhian said  abruptly. Like it was the most casual thing she ever said.

"What in the heavens? How did you? But wait, what did you mean that Glaiza told her to jump? You were there?" I asked curiously.

She sighed and said, "I came to look for Solenn. You know, when she walked out because you were being a douchebag for not actually rejecting the gorgeous young girl?"

"Uh- I can explain that." I said apologetically.

Rhian just shrugged and continued, "Then I somehow ended up nearing the garden when I heard Solenn talking to, well, nothing in particular. There was no one there but her and the statue in the middle of the pond. I really thought she was going cookoo but then," She paused. "What the hell? Suspense much?" I growled.

She just giggled and rolled her eyes, "After a while, somehow, the voice whom she was talking to suddenly registered in my ear. A voice that made me hitch my breath. A voice that I was sure of, but somehow memories of her got blocked by you-know-what to prevent me or us, from remembering her. A voice I'd know in a heart beat. It's Glaiza's." She said.

"Holy crap." I whispered.

"Like, how in the hell nobody even noticed that she was gone until now?" My eyebrows arched at her statement, "Oh yeah, I totally forgot about her though. What does she look like?" I said and then gained a playful spank from Rhian. "Stop joking. I'm serious. Do you think that, this is all part of the game?" She asked with sincere in her voice.

"I don't know, but I think we should find out ourselves before someone else would. Let's go back to the girls and bring all this news to them." I said as we both stood up.

"I can't." She said.

"Why not?" I asked curiously.

"There is no more time to lose. I need to find some answers how we can go inside that new dimension thingy. You go tell the others, I'll meet you at the pond in 30 minutes." She said as she hugged me and bid farewell.

"Okay, but be careful." I whispered.

"You too." Se said as she shot one more glance before she walked away.

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