Chapter 2: Queen Bee Problem

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So now we were in homeroom waiting for Mrs. Holden. Andy, Kylie and I went to our regular seats, wich was right next to each other.

"Your dead meat girl." Andy said.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"When you mess with Kaleb you don't get away with it. I mean one time this dude, I think his name was Jessie, anyways, he accidentally bumped into Kaleb in the cafeteria and spilled some orange juice in his shirt. The next day the kid was found hanging upside down on a tree." Andy said.

"I'd like to see him try. I'm not scared of that pig." I said quite confident. I'm not scared of some pathetic asshole.

"You go girl! That was sick!!" Kylie said.

"Thank you Ky. It felt pretty good." I said high fiving her.

I was gonna say something but Mrs. Holden entered the classroom and began class.

I was walking towards Pre-calculus (btw: that's my second period in case you're wondering). Anyhow, I entered the classroom and took my seat next to some weird dude picking his nose. As I was getting my notebook out, the door opened reaviling Kaleb and he's crew of douch bags. I just ignored them and went back to getting out what I need for this class.

"Hey freak." A voice that I would recognize anywhere said. I looked up and found Kaleb and his douch bags besides me.

"Hey pig. Douch bags." I said to them. "What do you want? I'm kinda busy here." I said getting annoyed and frustrated.

"Nothing. I just never noticed that you were in this class, cause you know your INVISIBLE." He said that last word slowly. I hate when they say that to me.

"You know that the word invisible has VISIBLE in it. So your just saying that I'm pretty visible, so I guess I should thank you. Thank you pig." I said patting his head.

He was gonna say something but Mr. Morris entered the classroom.

So the first few classes went fantastic! (Note sarcasam.) Now was my favorite class, LUNCH.

Me and my friends ordered our lunch and went to are usual table. We sat down and began to eat.

"Oh Lunter, when I was in Biology Ashley was saying mean stuff about you running into her boyfriend and shit. She said she was out to get you." Ky said to me.

"I'd like to see that slut try and throw a punch. I bet she would break her nail and start crying." I said laughing and they both joined me.

"Leah!!!!" Oh fuck. Why now?!

"Yes Ashley." I said turning around.

"Stop flirting with my boyfriend or else." She said.

"Or else what slut?" I said standing up from my seat and crossing my arms.

"I'll... punch you so hard you won't feel your face." She said smirking.

"Yeah sure, whatever you say Scarlett A." I said sitting back down.

She left us alone and we began eating again. I was finishing my pizza when I felt a cold liquid on my head. I turned around and saw Ashley, Jennifer and Jessica smirking at me. And I did what was right at that moment... I punched her in the nose. She looked at me and punched me back, the only thing she did was break her nail.

"Ahhhhhh!!! My Katy Perry themed nail!!! It's broken!!!!" She said crying. I began to laugh. It was priceless.

"Oh baby it's okay." Kaleb said. Man he ruined a good moment.

"Thank you for making me laugh Ashley." I said to her.

"Stop laughing Hunter." Kaleb said.

"Or what Forrest?" I said challenging him.

The Bad Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें