Chapter 19: Volleyball tournament

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So today is Thursday and I have a volleyball tournament after school. I'm so excited!! And I mean it. Volleyball is the only thing that relaxes me; I don't know if it's because am hitting a ball and hitting people 'accidentally' in the face, but whatever.

"Leah!! Breakfast!!" Kaleb knocked and my door.

"Coming!" I said getting my volleyball uniform and stuffing in a bag. Since the night I told Kaleb I loved someone else, well actually I said that I loved him, just secretly;anyway, he has been acting weird-ish. I mean we still talk to each other and he keeps saying sexual innuendos from everything I say and we laugh, but sometimes his mood changes in a giffy. Biopolar much? Oh, and he also has been asking me about guys that have talked to me during this week of school. Weird, right?

I opened the door and Kaleb was standing there.

"Took you long enough Sunshine." He said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up, mister 'I'll be out in 5'." I said.

"Hey! My hair is more important than your teeth." He said and I gasped and stopped walking.

"Excuse you? Your hair is like a wet mop and unlike your hair my teeth are a colgate smile." I said and went in the kitchen. I heard Kaleb gasp a little.

"That was rude. Apologize." He said with a smug smile.

"No." I said with a hint of humor in my voice.

"Oh really?" He said with a smirk lacing his lips.

"Really." I said crossing my arms in a challenging pose. Just because I love him dosen't mean I'll bow down to him.

"You left me no choice." He said as picked me up and turned me upside down.

"Kaleb Bear Forrest!! Put me down this instant!" I ordered him.

"Not until you apologize." He said. Damn he's strong. I weight like 165.

"No way in hell!!" I yelled.

"Fine. Plan B." He said and began to tickle me.

"N-no!! St-st-stop!!" I tried to say in between laughs.

"Not until you apologize." He said still tickling me.

"F-fine!! Wh-what d-do you want!!" I yelled and he stopped.

"A kiss." He paused. "On the cheek."

"No way!" I said.

"Then I'll continue tickling you." He said and he was about to tickle me again.

"Wait!! I'll do it." I mumbled.

"Excuse me? Didn't hear that last part." He said with a stupid cocky grin.

"Fat-ass jerk." I mumbled to myself but I guess he heard it.

"What?" He said putting his free hand on my stomach.

"Uhg!! I'll do it!" I said sort of mad but with humor too.

Kaleb put me down and I felt dizzy as I straighten up a bit.

"A kiss my fairlady." He said crouching down to my size. But little did he know what I have in mind. I pushed him to the floor and landed on him.

"No. You apologize." I said holding his fists to each side of his head. He struggled to get out of my grip but a lass, he couldn't.

"Damn. Your strong." He said.

"I work out." I said feeling superior.

"Buuuut..." he said with a a smile.

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