Chapter 18: Gelato

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"So tell me about yourslef." Nicholas asked. We are currently on our way to a small ice cream shop, I mean 'Gelato' shop. Nicholas says it's the best.

"Well...what do you want to know?" I retorted.

"What's your favorite color, food, music, bands, and so on." He said smiling. Let me tell you something, this guy was like a freaking model, a greek god if you will.

"Well my favorite color is blue." I said gesturing my hair and he chuckled. "My favorite food is lasagna. It's just so delicious." I said imagining a plate of lasagna.

"So you like italian food?" Nicholas asked.

"Yes. Yes, I do." I said and he laughed lightly.

"Keep going." He said.

"My favorite type of music is rock-" I got cut off.

"Mine too!" He beamed excitedly and so did I.

"Really?!" I asked.

"Yeah. I like Metallica, Fall Out Boy, Nirvana, Guns n' Roses, Distutbed and so much more." He said smiling. God, that beautiful smile remindes me of Kaleb. Wait, what? Leah your on a date with Nicholas NOT Kaleb. But you wish you were.

"Oh my gosh!!! I looooove all of those bands including AC/DC and Led Zepplin." I said.

"You know, your something else. I like it." He said looking at me with those green-ish and blue-ish eyes.

"Thanks." I said blushing a little.

About half and hour later we made it to the ice...sorry 'Gelato' shop. Let me just say that there were TONS of gelato flavours. They were gorgeous. It was like a dream come true.

"Which flavor?" Nicholas asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, um...I don't know. There's too many!" I said looking at the piles and piles of ice cream on the other side of the glass. I was acting like a little kid, but that's me.

"Okay. Do you like lemons?" He asked chuckling a little by my reaction.

"Yes! Yes, I do!!" I said excited. I LOOOOOOVE lemons. He just looked at me and laughed a little. He looks just like Kaleb. Leah Davina Hunter!! Keep yourself together woman!! You are on a date with Nicholas NOT Kaleb. But I wish I was. No!

"One Lemon gelato and one Cherrie Cordial gelato." Nicholas said taking out his credit card to pay. We sat down and waited for the waitor to bring the ice cream, I mean Gelato, ugh! You know what I mean.

"Wow. This place is amazing." I said looking around the store. First of all it was huge. It was decorated with italian decorations and some pictures of Italy. All in all, it was amazing.

"Yeah. My mom used to bring me here when I was little." He said looking out the window as if remembering a memory.

"How is she? Is she tall? Does she have brown hair or blonde?" I asked.

"Her name was Aria. She was the most amazing mom ever. She was tall with red hair and brown eyes." He said taking a deep breath and tried to hold some of the tears. I have a feeling something bad happened to her.

"What happened?" I asked out of curiosity. I know that I shouldn't meddle in the life of someone I barely know, but I am just that way.

"She died." He took a deep breath before continuing. "A car accident. Actually a hit and run." He said looking at me. His eyes where puffy and red, still he wouldn't dare to let a tear fall.

"I know you don't want me to say am sorry, so..." I said taking his hand and squezzing it a little. "Suck it up." I said giving him a small smile.

"How did you know?" He asked. He's eyes were no longer red, instead they were filled with goofy grins.

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