Chapter 10: Hot but not his "type"

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Finally school's over for good. I can't believe Sam is coming tomorrow!!! Man I have missed him sooooo much. I know what your thinking, 'so how's Kaleb?' *wiggly eyebrows*. Well I haven't talked to him. I have tried to avoid any contact at all with him. I just need to get over my feelings for him. Maybe it's just hormonal cause am probably gonna have my period soon, right? Whatever. So right now Andy, Kylie and I are in my room watching Carrie, the original one. Were doing a scary movie marathon. We've been watching movies since 6am and it's 3pm.

I haven't told them about my feelings for Kaleb. I am just scared that they'll make fun of me, oh who am I kidding? They'll make fun of me anyways.

"So how are things with Blake?" Kylie asks Andy wiggling her eyebrows.

"Well...he hasen't done anything yet. I really don't want him to go overboard. I I?" She asks. Andy dosen't like to be the center of attention. She has all that confidence but she dosen't like to do I put this? Oh! She dosen't like to be the Mona Lisa. You know cause the Mona Lisa was beautiful and had this confidence and liked to be the center of attention, unlike Andy. Andy is beautiful and confident yet she dosen't like to be the center of attention. At least that's what I think.

"So Leah, how's Kaleb?" Kylie asked wiggling her eyebrows. How does she know?

"Um...good?" I said sounding more like a question. I tend to give questions as answers when am nerveous.

"Really? So theres nothing you would like to tell us? I mean where your best friends you would tell us if something is going on." Andy said putting the movie on pause and walking towards me.

"Yes? Yes, yes I would?" Damn it!! They know am hiding something.

"Are you sure Leah Davina Hunter?" Kylie asked. She used the full name card!! That is not good!!! I give in. I have to tell them.

"Well...I kinda, possibly have a little insy bitsy crush on Kaleb." I barely said in a whisper.

"Yes!!!" Ky and Andy cheered in uninson jumping up and down the bed.

"Guys! Keep it down, he's right across the hall." I said shushing them.

"Sorry." They said. "Were just so happy!!" Andy screamed.

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity. I thought they hated Kaleb. Eh what can say? There crazy.

"Well cause, you know."Andy said.

"Know I don't know. Tell me." I said.

"Chris." Kylie said looking down. Thats when it hit me. Chris was my first and only boyfriend. He did something terrible to me, worse than what Kaleb did. I had buried that memory in the darkest place of my mind. But today it decided to take a walk.

"Right. Lets forget about that imbecil." I said with a weak smile.

"Yes, lets do that."Andy said.

"So tell me, for how long have you known? That you liked him." Kylie added.

"For about two days." I said blushing a little.

"Oh my god!!" They screamed and jumped at me making me fall off the bed.

"Ow." I said laughing and soon they both joined.

"Hey guys!! We have girl on girl action over here!!" Joe screamed and soon enough all the boys came and saw us in our superheroe pj's.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!" I said shocked and VERY annoyed.

"Well, um...we were playing a game and long story short the guys dared me to do something." Joe said scratching the back of his neck.

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