When You Both Realise You Got Set Up

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Your POV

It's been a few weeks since the incident happened. What incident? Forgot already?

The kiss.

Ever since the dance, I've been a nervous wreck. Because I see no signs of affection! It was as if after that night, BAM! He was a complete stranger! It was as if C/N didn't even want to LOOK at me. Like he couldn't stand me. He couldn't possibly hate his best friend...

Could he...?


It's over. It's all over. I messed up. I kissed her and took her so off guard, she hates my guts. Now the best I can do is avoid her. I told my friends about it, but all they said was to fucking stand up to her and spill. But I can't do that!

Y/N only likes me as a friend. I know she does. Nowadays, she acts as if nothing happened between us. Like she doesn't feel anything towards me except like me as a good friend. It's as if she doesn't notice what's in front of her.

Could it be possible? Would it be weird for her to date her best friend? Doesn't she like me in the way I like her? I was so certain she did...but now...I'm not so sure anymore. It all just happened so fast. And now it's like the world is tearing itself apart. Is she....

Is she friend zoning me....


Your POV

I was waiting for my sister to come meet me up at the entrance of the mall. Yes, she swears and she was the same girl who shouted at me on my first day of high school. But, she was on her period! Can you blame a girl? Anyways, I wanted to talk to her about some stuff. I figured she already had experience since she's dating Luke, C/N's older brother.

Out the corner, I spotted her black, wavy hair in the crowd, which I could recognize anywhere. I waved my arms like crazy, hoping she'd notice, however, gaining the attention of the whole public EXCEPT her.

"Y/N! There you are!" Her voice sounded behind me. I turned around to meet a pair of hazel eyes and the familiar face of my favorite family member.

"LYLA! You made it!" I said happily, squishing her in a death hug. She laughed and hugged back, trying to hold back the fact that she was suffocating. I let go and giggled, apologizing to her for squeezing too tight.

"So...why did you call me?" She asked. I fiddled with my fingers.

"Um...yeah...about that..."

~Le Time Skip by Lemons *winkwink*~

"OH MY GOSH, WHAT-" I clamped my hand over her mouth to stop from being embarrassed than physically possible. My eyes flickered to her mango smoothie she'd thrown at the ground and I rolled my eyes.

Typical Lyla...

"Are you serious?!" She asked giddily. I nodded. Lyla squealed and hugged me tight.

"THAT IS SO HOT FUDGING AMAZING!" She screeched, earning quite a few weird looks.

"Yeah, but try to keep it down a little..." I whispered to her. She waved it off.

"Pfft! Whatever! Your first kiss matters more that attention from strangers! Even if they're cute." She winked. I burst out laughing.

"You'll never change." I giggled. She shrugged.

"Eh. All part of the package." She said.

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