Y/N And C/N, Cupid's Personal Love Whisperers [EXCLUSIVE PART 4]

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We need to make something very clear.

Never try this at home kids.

And by never I mean never.

It will go wrong.

Terribly wrong.

Take it from me.

Because this is the most ridiculous idea ever.

Thank you for your attention.


Your POV

"...Are you actually serious?" C/N asks when you're both sitting in his room.

"Dead serious." You confirm. He blinks and sighs, clutching his head in his hands.


"This idea is stupid."

"It is not." You cross your arms, pouting.

"Yes it is. It's the titanic of bad ideas." He mumbles.

"Shut up, how would you know?" You sass.

"Look, I know I can be dumb, but this is borderline idiotic." He states.

"It is not."

"It's a dumb idea, Y/N."

"It's a smart idea."

"No. It's not. Why? Because it isn't just stupid. It's advanced stupid."

"Fine then. I'll do it. You don't have to be involved." You huff, getting up. His eyes widen.

"What-- No. No way in hell." He shakes his head, grabbing your wrist.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm warning you, neither of them are going to like it." He deadpans.

"How do you know that?"

"They broke up 2 weeks ago. I don't think they want their names on a dating website."


C/N sighs and facepalms at your recklessness, you still pouting as you glare at him. He rubs his face, looking at your expression. You were not happy.

"I know it's risky but who knows? Maybe it'll work in their favor." You point out.

"And what if it doesn't?" He asks.

"Then we torment a year of lectures about anti online romance." You shrug as if it's no big deal.

"My parents will kill me." He groans.

"So will mine. But aren't you curious if it actually works?" You ask, smirking at him.

"No. I am not curious because I know we're gonna royally fuck this up. It's one of those ideas where it sounds cool in our heads but is actually the most stupidest thing when said out loud." He states.

"What happened to you? Did you do something with the real C/N?" You tease.

"I don't want to ruin their lives. They could hate us for this." He shrugs, looking away.

"No they won't. And if it bugs you that much, then we'll only do Lyla. So if something does happen, it'll be on me." You reassure, squeezing his hand. He smiles.

"And either way, you're technically getting revenge on Luke for all those years of secrets. So he really doesn't have the liberty of being mad at you." You sheepishly say, knowing he's still a little touchy on the subject. His smile widens.

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