When You Can Finally Celebrate Your Three Month Anniversary

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So a lot of people have been complaining *rolls eyes to those who complained in a rude way* about the tittle cause it said one month and the story said three months and that's actually because I had an editing difficulty.

I also thought due to the amount of time I'd written about them as a couple that they would've crossed the one month border. I was gonna change it but I don't really what happened and forgot to check it over before publishing.

I apologize for the misunderstanding but I need to set something straight with all of you. Please don't message me saying that my books have careless typos because I will ignore you.

It's just, no.

There is no need for that because that is rude. I'm not gonna mention names but I know you know who you are and I don't appreciate your blatant honesty. I'm well aware of my mistakes and don't need you to point them out, thank you very much.

This book is not perfect. It is not a 100% accurate grammar and I know that because of the constant grammar and tense fixation in the comments as well as my English teacher saying that on my reports.

I appreciate your help but to be honest, I find it annoying. I know you're trying to do it because you have a problem with improper grammar but please just read it in the correct way in your head. I don't like it when people comment that, I just honestly find it annoying.

I also know you guys are going to find my complaining annoying but you kinda have to remember that I sorta own this book, ya know? I can do what I want and if you act rude towards me thanks to my lack in English, mark my words that it won't end pretty.

Anyways, thanks for reading the edit if you did so please continue :)


My fellow beautiful pineapples, I'm gonna make this one quick. Just wanted to say thank you for your votes and comments!

WARNING: Overly adorable relationship shit


Your POV

"Do you know what day it is today?!" You exclaim in your sister's ear. She winces and clutches it, glaring at you as she sets your cereal bowl down.

"YES. You've been going on about it for an hour. I hate those 4 words..." She mumbles, walking back into the kitchen as you dig into your favorite cereal, smiling like an idiot.


"MY THREE MONTH ANNIVERSARY!" You squeal like a little girl, clutching the necklace C/N gave you when he asked you out. Your mom walks up to the dining table and smiles.

"I still remember your Dad and I's one month. He took me to a taco cart." She says, rolling her eyes just as your dad walks up to the table.

"Hey! Tacos are very romantic!" He protests.

"Of course they are, Y/D/N. Of course they are. I can't think of anything more romantic than smearing barbecue sauce all over my face." Your mom remarks sarcastically. Lyla walks back to the table and plops down on the seat opposite you.

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