When He Finds Your Old Wattpad Account Dedicated To Fanfic About Him

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I actually got this idea off of reality because well...

I was sitting next to one of my friends in English and we were on our iPads for class.

So, when I usually want to go to an app I just search for it (that makes sense right?)

And, Wattpad is actually my number one most used app in my recents.

So, she kinda saw that and she's like, YOU HAVE WATTPAD? Do you like, write fanfic?

And I just sit there like, ERRRR... No?

Anyways, I was so embarrassed because if you're caught writing fanfic by someone that isn't your sworn best friend for life in my school then let me just tell you that you're dead.

It could've been worse. She could've forced me to go onto my account and show her. But she isn't like that lol so thank god she's nice.




Your POV

"So, x equals negative 2?" C/N asks, scratching his head while looking at his algebra work. You sigh and shake your head, leaning over to point specific parts of the equation again.

"No. If you take away 9 from both sides, you get 3x equals 6. And since they both divide by 3, it becomes x equals 2. I have absolutely no idea how you got negative." You explain for the thousandth time, furrowing your eyebrows at how bad he's doing currently.

(I sincerely apologize if your crush is better at Maths than you :D Wait... I just realized my crush is better at EVERYTHING than me 0-0.... Huh.... Anyways, QOTD: What's your crush's favorite subject in your opinion?)

"Ugh... this is hard." He groans in frustration, flopping back onto your bed. You grab his arm to heave him back up to a sitting position. Well, TRY to.

"That's because you're not focusing enough. Concentrate, babe. Because I'm pretty sure helping someone on algebra isn't the best idea when you have to write a book report on Paper Towns." You say to him, looking back at your English work. He rolls his eyes.

"Can't you just do it for me?" He asks with a pout and puppy eyes. You gasp as you look away.

"NO TRICKERY OF ADORABLENESS!" You screech, shielding your eyes from his cuteness. He chuckles and sits up, pulling you onto his lap.

"Alright. Fine." He says, leaning forward to kiss your cheek. Before he can do so, you jolt away to sit at the edge of your bed, being careful not to fall.

"Hey!" He whines, reaching out to pull you back. You shake your head with a teasing glint in your eyes.

"Nope. Not until you get back to your work. Each question equals one kiss." You wink, smirking when he gives you an unamused look.

"You're kidding me, right?" He asks. You shake your head and click your tongue, feeling pleased with yourself.

"Ain't lying, honey. If you don't finish that thing, I won't even help you. And I know how much you want to pass Mr. Hunt's class. He hates your guts." You say, laughing at his death glare towards you.

"I'm just gonna sit here and give you an internal stare of shade. You're that cruel." He comments, crossing his arms and sitting up straight. His gaze pierces your eyes and you shrug.

"Your loss." You say innocently. He sits still for a moment before giving in.

"Tu es si méchant. (You're so mean.)" He mumbles in French, going back to continue his work. You stick your tongue out and move a bit closer towards him.

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