1. Hours turned into minutes

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Kyukie's Note:
I'm going to put BTS memes for each chapter (if I can) just to make each chapter a bit funnier (even if it's quite unnecessary).


Y/N's p.o.v
I'm (Y/N), I'm 18 years old. So Yes, I graduated high school. I'm Korean but lived my whole life at Australia.
((This is where I'm from, I know most of you guys are not from Australia but this is the only place I can get a better description of because I never went overseas before.. #sadlife))

I'm not that amazingly special, I consider myself lucky to be able to be accepted as a trainee in Big Hit entertainment. Oh! Did I say I was a trainee in Big Hit entertainment? *flips hair majestically* well now you know.
I love Kpop, especially BTS's songs. I don't only love them because of their handsome good looks, their music really gives me THA FEEEEEELLZZZZZZ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
For example, BTS's 'Run' MV made me cry a frickin' waterfall. T^T (But seriously tho, who wouldn't?)
I want to make music like that, I want to inspire others through my music or hit them with da feels~ It's pretty cool to do something like that...
This is my first time traveling alone!.... And... Ermmmm, I think I'm lost... I seriously can't read maps!

I fixated my eyes to the map on my phone and kept on walking on this random path to what I think is the right way to Big Hit. Without realizing it, I had bumped into a man and had dropped my phone.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I made 90° angled bows.

"Um.. It's okay, are you alright?" The man said.

I try to not make eye contact with the man so that he won't see my flustered face, "I-I-I'm ok.."

I couched down to grab my phone (I hope the screen isn't cracked), as I reach out for my phone. The man's hand reached out for my phone too and our fingertips had touched. In sync, we both slowly meet our eyes with each other. It felt like time had stopped.

The man had beautiful brown hair, flawless skin but wore a mouth mask so I couldn't see the bottom half of his face, I wonder why he wore a mouth mask? Is he sick?
But his eyes twinkled, it was quite majestic? Pretty? Wow I really feel jelly (jealous) TOWARDS A GUY! How can a guy be THIS PRETTY?!?! I don't know how to describe him but...
...I feel I can trust him.

My whole body froze when our eyes had met, as if his mysterious beauty had paralyzed me.
The man continued to reach out for the phone, dusted off the screen and returned my phone to me.

"Wow, thank you," I said, astonished by his kindness. For a moment there I thought he was about to steal me phone but thank goodness he didn't.
He helped me get off the ground by grabbing my arms, I blushed tremendously from the physical contact

"No worries," the man said with a smile, I can't see his smile but his eyes became crescent-shaped, it was cute.
The man walked pass me.

"Oh! Um..." I stopped the man then asked him, "Can you tell me where the Big Hit entertainment building is?"

The man shifted his body towards me and points me to the direction as if he were my compass,"Oh, you are nearly there just turn-"
I nodded to every instruction he told me, trying to remember the directions in my head. Wow he really knew where the Big Hit entertainment building is... I wonder if I'll see him again?
"- then you should be there"

"Thank you!" I bowed a 90° angle.

"I'll be going now," the unknown Korean man waved and walked in the opposite direction.

Then a thought had popped into my head, his voice was so familiar. His voice was very sweet and gentle but manly, he has a tone that a parent would use. Could he be a father? Nah he still seem young... Have I seen him before? But it can't be, I never met anyone in Korea.

Hm? The sound had snapped me out of what I was thinking.
I received a text/email from the agency.

To (Y/N),
Meeting all trainees in the building's dance studio.
Meeting starts 9am.
This meeting is compulsory.
If trainee can't make it or is late, they don't have entry to Big Hit entertainment.
No exceptions, audition next month if you missed this meeting.

Instead of reading the rest of the big message, I checked my phone for the time... It was 7:50am, Phew! so I got... One hour and ten minutes.
Wait a second! I've forgotten to change the time to Seoul's time!!!
(In Australia, we are one hour behind Seoul/South Korea ((well it kinda depends which state you live in))) so basically I got 10 minutes!!!

"Crap Crap CRAP CRAAAAAP!!!!!"
I dashed in the direction that the man had told me to go.


Will You Promise Me? (BTS x Reader Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now