Will You Promise Me? (Final Chapter)

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Kyukie's Note:
Last final chapter for this fanfic! Over 5300+ words, enjoy and cry with me :'D (also laugh with me, at the end of chapter there will be BTS memes since this is the last final chappie ;D) After many years of dedicating to this fanfic (lol it's been probs around two years), I'm glad that I shared these moments and stories with you guys and happy that you've supported me for this long. If you're new, then welcome and hope you like what you see XD

Ok, let's finally get to it! Let's get it!

Kira's p.o.v

"5, 6, 7, 8-"

It's so weird, very weird. We are all dancing to our debut song, practicing choreography. That's not what's weird, the weird thing is that Y/N hasn't been acting weird. I take small glances at her as I brush pass her during the choreography. She acts like nothing has happened.

Days ago I overheard her saying that she is going back to Australia in less than a week from now. She hasn't told a single thing about this to us. She is just acting like everything is normal. 'Hmm maybe it was all in my head or I just misheard it.'

Well, whatever she can do whatever she wants. I don't care, I shouldn't care. I expect nothing but her keeping secrets from us like her relationship with Jungkook. Yeah, I'm still pretty pissed about that. I bet she is having a lovely time being in a secret relationship with Jungkook.


The voice calling out my name snaps me out of my train of thought, I turned my head, "uh yeah?"

"You ok? You seem tired," Hei-Ran asked, "let's take five, guys."

Y/N and I meet each other's gaze, I was the first one to avert my gaze as I turned my back towards her and walked away.


Days continued like that, just me ignoring her. I'll continue to ignore her until this burning hatred for her inside of me dies down.

One night, like usual I'll just go straight to bed and pretend to sleep until I actually sleep just to avoid Y/N from talking to me.

"Sang-So..." Y/N calls out my name from the bunk under me. The sound of my name rings in the room, it was almost startling.

Silence filled the room as Y/N hears no response from me, which I hoped to stay that way. The first word she ever said to me since our argument was my name, if she continues to talk I'm worried if I might give in. I don't want to give in so soon. I'm still pissed, I'm still mad.


... I'm sorry."

Her apology rings out throughout the room and even my heart. My eyes grew wide as hers fluttered close. I felt that pang of bittersweetness. I felt a warm tear run through the corner of my eye, I touch it with my finger tip. 'Am I crying?' I let out a small quiet sigh as I wipe my tears away. Before I knew it I fallen asleep with my heart at ease.


Jungkook's p.o.v

I woke up but didn't feel like getting up, I was too busy contemplating about things. What she said that day, it didn't sound like her, was the Y/N I knew was a fake? Did she plan to date us for fun?

Will You Promise Me? (BTS x Reader Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now