1 Year Gone

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Kyukie's Note:
Thank you guys for reading up till this point, it's still amazing how many people read this fanfic (and the other BTS fanfics I made). 60k views!! Yay!
Ok this is supposed to be 2017, but I'm no fortune teller.
So for this new imaginary not so imaginary year, I'm not going to mention much about their comebacks, hair colours or plans etc. Since I dunno what's gonna happen in 2017 (cause duh it's January at the moment -.-)
So I'm just gonna go with the story, hopefully it won't be affected when the real 2017 hits our faces like BTS teasers and stuff -.-

Ok let's proceed!

Y/N's p.o.v
"Happy New Year!!!" We cheered!

Around the table, we clashed our small cups of soju resulting it to spill a bit over the bbq meat and through our fingers. We swallowed down the shot of soju with a quick gulp, and made a huge satisfied sigh to complete it.

"Aww~~ that's a pity," Christie slurred as she was referring to the meat.

"What are you on about?" Kyung-Soon questioned with a cheap smirk, "It's ok if the meat has a little soju on it, it'll just add more flavour."

"But isn't Y/N not allowed to drink?" Christie pointed at me, "My little dongsaeng is too young to drink."

"She's in her legal age ((is that how you say it?? Well you guys know what I had meant -.-)), plus she just drank her first soju shot just then... In front of your face," Hei-Ran growled.

"Wow! Now we can drink together! Wah~~ You grow up so fast~~ I raised you so well," Christie jokingly sobbed.

"You didn't even raise her at all," Sang-So stated. While I pressed my lips together to hold in my laugh.

"I HAVE A LITTLE VOICE TALKING TO ME IN MY HEAD," Hei-Ran said randomly as she laughed like an insane happy person, "I dunno WHERE IT CAME FROM... IT KINDA JUST POPPED OUT OF NOWHERE!! As IF I Was THe CHOSEN ONE *^*"

"Just eat some pork Hei-Ran," Kyung-Soon said as she shoved a piece of pork into her mouth.

Hei-Ran continued to rant with her mouth full, "Doesn't anyone else here ever heard it?"

Today was now 1st of January, also known as the New Year of 2017 to be exact.
It's a new day and new year, the way we celebrated it was by having some nice Korean barbecue. It's a new day, new year and new me. I now wanted to challenge myself to try new things to surely make me shine better as an idol in training. I took that first step by drinking a shot of soju for the first time— or any alcohol to be specific.
My mum never really liked the idea of drinking alcohol and my dad barely drinks unless it's for a special occasion. So they were a big influence of me of not drinking alcohol, or it could be those 'alcohol— think again' type of ads ((like seriously these ads really traumatise me, but I think it's for the best 👍🏼😂))

But this is a special occasion, a little New Years party that I'm celebrating with the rest of the girls.
The soju was alright, the bitterness can still be felt from that first sip still being left on my tongue. But I much preferred to stay sober (for the rest of my life).
But unlike me, the girls were drunk! Hei-Ran is on her moodswings, like when she's awake at night. Christie is acting like an old grandmother, a very loving grandmother. Kyung-Soon is acting like a cheap salesman as long she keeps her creepy smirk on her face. Sang-So/Kira seemed like she isn't drunk at all... She may look a bit green... And maybe swaying a bit too much... And her face is slowly bloating—OH MY GOD!

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