Happy Birthday to Author-Nim Q&A2

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Author-Nim: Aww thank you guys, cannot believe you guys actually remembered.

Suga: Well we are back here again so it must mean it's your birthday.

Kira: Yeh... But what was our purpose of coming here again?

Author-Nim: WELP *smirks whilst pulls out a bunch of palm cards* GLAD 👏🏻YOU 👏🏻ASKED👏🏻 Q&AAAAAAAA

Kira: oh now I remember.... -.-'

Y/N: *said in thoughts* 'Hope Author-Nim won't sing Seventeen's Q&A'

Author-Nim: *wiggles eyebrows over to Y/N*

Y/N: Oh gosh.... She knows....

Author-Nim: *Opens mouth*

Y/N: *Covers her mouth*

Namjoon: Ummm so.... How are your books?

*Y/N releases Author-Nim*

Author-Nim: Haha unfortunately I haven't been updating much lately, but I'll try my best to update. I want to finish many books since I have a lot of book ideas in mind to publish.

Anyways lets get to it! Oh and also these questions aren't in chronological order 😬

@gillslice :
how do you get inspiration for when you write your chapters?

@The_CavyStorm :
Author-Nim, where do you usually find motivation and inspiration for your writing? I'm sorry to hear you've fallen to writer's block ;-;

Bangtan, do you miss talking and hanging out with Y/N? And how do you feel about winning the BBMAs?
You can beat the writer's block Author-Nim! I believe in you!

Author-Nim: Firstly, thank you for the cheer. Writer's block is hard to surpass but thank you. Anyways, I usually find my inspiration through kpop music and/or music videos. For example TOY (my TaeXReader fanfic) was inspired by Block B's Song (Lyrics as well) Toy (very beautiful song). Or even this fanfic was somewhat based on BTS' butterfly song. But mostly my fanfic ideas and bold concepts come from my bizarre imagination, my experiences and feelings. Or maybe kdrama.

Y/N, how do you feel about everything you've experienced so far? Do you feel lucky or like everything is going wrong?

Y/N: Based on everything that has happened so far, it's very life-changing. I feel more mature as I go through this trainee experience. It's all very tiring and despairing but I'm grateful for being given this opportunity. And do I feel lucky? Yes I guess I would, because now BigHit doesn't accept girls to work as trainees anymore. Plus I don't see myself as the most talented person, so I'm lucky to have been accepted-

Author-Nim: *Whispers* I think the reader had meant about Bangtan....

Y/N: *Blushes harshly* OH THAT! Um... Ha... Ha... Umm *sweats* oh is it hot in here or is it just me? Ha ha... Well um.. I guess my experience with Bangtan has been... Out of the ordinary. I feel that everything I've experienced with them has felt like a roller coaster ride, it's scary and overwhelming to the point my heart could break. But I'm loving every moment of it since they're there for me.. For once I feel treasured, loved and special.

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