11. I See Hope

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Small Kyukie Note:
This is pt.2 from the previous chapter ~(>.<~

Y/N p.o.v
"Y/N? It's not healthy to sleep on the floor without a blanket." J-Hope chuckled.

"I wasn't sleeping -.-" I sat up and pouted, "I was just taking a break."

"Ah~" J-Hope sat down beside me, "Let me take a break with you."

Then there was an awkward silence.... -.-'

.............. ((CUE IN DA DRY TUMBLE WEEDS-))

"So do-..." "What ar-...."
Our words clashed together in unison. Making us more flustered than we already were.

"You go first, " I told him.

"No you go first," He said back.

"Nah, it was nothing important."

He nodded with a disbelief face but continued his sentence, "What are you doing here?"

"Well..." I took a deep breath, "I'm just working on my dancing skills, not like it is any good."

"Oh! I wanna see," his face beamed.

"Aniya! (No!) It's very bad!"

"Yah~ Don't be so modest, I bet it's better than you think." He pulled me up and held me by my shoulders, "I believe in you."

Defeated by his radiant, positive aura, "*sigh* Fine, but I'm serious it's not good."

I went to play some music on my phone, while J-Hope sat on the floor, somewhere out of my way.
Music started to play....
I breathed in and out...
Started to count numbers in my head, '1.....2....3..-'


The dance was over... J-Hope sits there clapping in a hesitant way.

"Sorry for seeing something so bad that'll probably scar you for life ;-;" I bowed apologetically.

"A-Aniyo (N-No), it wasn't that bad." He laughed wearily, "It... It just need work."

"I'm a total failure," I squatted down, drawing invisible circles on the dance floor.

J-Hope grabbed my wrist, making me raise my head to meet his gaze, "Well not on my watch, come on I'll teach you some things about dancing."
He pulled me up making me land onto his chest. But I quickly stepped back, giving each other space.

"First, you should have confidence. People can see you if you waver or are nervous."

I nodded while making mental notes.

"Also dance isn't just about following steps and counting numbers. Dances show some kind of story, it has emotion flown through it. You and I know that we didn't see any of that in your dance just then."

I dropped my head in embarrassment, but was lifted up by the chin by J-Hope's finger tips.

"Hey, life is about learning lessons. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, it's not the end of the world ok?"

I just silently nodded.

"In dance there are different types of techniques and genre in dance, you choose the one that suits you best. Trying to learn a dance that is out of your comfort zone would be quite difficult to learn."

"I get it... But I'm not really good at making my own dance."

"Let's create one together!"


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