Chapter 9

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I wake up to Xander talking to the Doctor.

"So can she go home today?"

"She can, but I want you to make sure that she takes these pain killers after every meal she has. It will help with the discomfort and also speed up the healing process."

"Okay, I can do that."

"And also she will need to do gradually begin to do exercise  and stretches to keep her muscles not only strong, but flexible as well."

Xander glances at me and notices I'm awake, I see his body physically relax. He turns to the lady the nods his head, "Thanks Doc." She bows her head in respect and leaves.

"How're you feeling?" He asks. Xander makes his way over to me and sit on the chair next to my bed.

"I feel way better. My legs still feel a little weak though."

He nods in understanding

"You're able to leave today." He informed me, "I just gotta sign the discharge papers and then we can be on our way."

I sighed in relief, "Thank goodness! I'm so sick of the doctors here!"

He frowns, "Why?"

"Oh ummm," I said, thinking of a way to say this without acting like a total cry baby, "There were a lot of doctors and healers around when my mother was sick. I guess I just associate them with her now.

"Must've been a really difficult time," He said gently. I noticed that whenever he talked to me, he changes his voice a bit. It's almost like he wanted to approach me in a non-threatening way. Like a wolf bowing down slightly to show the other he's not an enemy.

I brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal, "It's okay, no worries." And it's true it wasn't a big deal. But I never mention anything related to my mother without feeling a slight tug at my heart.

He nods his head, letting all the distress leave his face. Xander looks into the distance, lost in his maze of thoughts.

"You know what. I don't want you in here for very long either..." He pauses and thinks on it for another minute, "Better yet! Let's leave now!"

"What?" I said a little confused, "Don't you have to sign the papers?"

He didn't reply. All he did was swoop me off my feet. My eyes widen and I shout, "Xander! What'd you think you're doing!" 

"Taking you out of this depressing facility." 

I instantly wrap my arms around his neck out of instinct, "Don't drop me!"

He looks at me and smirks,"I'd never drop you sweetheart, you can count on that." I become still as I registered those words. I felt like there was an underlying meaning to his words, one that wasn't just literal. We walk out of my room and bump into his brother, Solomon.

His eyes brighten when he sees us, "Oh! Hey Lizzy, I was just about to give you a little visit."

Then his eyes zoom in on my ass. Then I realised that I'm still wearing the hospital gown. Ohhhhh shit!

Soul gives me a humorous smirk, "Nice ass Lizzy," he says with a laugh.

Out of embarrassment, I kinda look up at the roof. Why am I just the most unluckiest person in the whole entire world!

Xander frowns at Soul's comment, then he looks down at my gown and his hold on me tightens. He snarls at his brother, "What the fuck do you think you're looking at brother?

Soul raises his brow and said, "Looking at a fine piece of ass." He said cheekily. 

My eyes widen and I exclaimed, "Soul!"

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