Chapter 18

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After I had a shower, I moisturised my whole body. Just in case I get a little something something tonight, you know what I mean?

I wrap my hair in a messy bun just to keep it out of my face. I look down at my make up. Where to start? Let's do some concealer.

I run the cream under my eyes and other little blemishes that I want to cover up. I set out my contouring kit. I look at a picture on my phone and just copy all the line and stuff since I don't know how to do anything involving contouring.

 I feel like this is going to end up as a disaster. I blend everything together till I get a perfectly shaded and highlighted face. Not too shabby Elizabeth. I'm actually quite impressed with myself.

For my date, I had pretty light make up on, this time I want to be noticed. I wear intense smokey, dark brown, black and burgundy colour on my eyes. Making them pop out and look mysterious.

For the hair...what to do with the hair?
I was thinking up? But then maybe having it down would be pretty nice to frame my face. So I decide to lightly curl my hair and do two braids at the front, tying it around the back of my head, giving it a sort of Italian look.

 So I decide to lightly curl my hair and do two braids at the front, tying it around the back of my head, giving it a sort of Italian look

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I don't put on any jewellery except for Xander's Obsidian Necklace. I've never taken it off and I won't take it off even if it doesn't match the dress damn it!

I put on the dress and heels, ready to go. I take a deep breathe. Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine. Xander is going to be there. Before I leave I quickly put on my red lipstick. Okay let's go.

I slowly walk down the stair and see Abby waiting at the bottom with a proud smile.

"You look absolutely divine darling. Better than what I looked like in my time."

I shake my head, "Surely not. I might look more like a drag queen compared to you I'm sure."

She waves my comment off, "No no. Please don't be modest dear. Tonight is your night. It's all about you."

"That'd what I don't like," I mumble.

She laughs, "Oh dear you're doing better than what I did on my ceremony. I pulled out for a moment because I was so nervous. You're doing totally fine darling. Nothing to worry about. Now let's get you into the car. We need to get to the Great Hall on time of the blood moon."

I nodded. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.

Abby links out arms as we take a step outside. She breathes in the fresh air, but frowns a bit, as if she scented something.

"What is it?" I asked

"Oh nothing dear. Just caught a wif of something strange. Come on it's freezing. Let's get you into the car shall we?"

We both climb into the vehicle. The whole ride there all I'm thinking about is the ceremony. My stomach is tied in a knot. I'm just a big bundle of nerves. Ugh! I hate this feeling.

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