Chapter 47

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I look up at the night sky and roar, "Is this what you want for me?! Is this it? You give someone I make my whole world and you take her AWAY!? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!? Bring her back! Now!"

I feel my wolf whimpering inside me. He misses his mate.

I look down at my little Izzy. She's gone a grey colour now. I shake a little bit, "Wake up sweetheart. Please." I sob.

But she doesn't.


I look up and see my little brother, Soul. I shake my head at him while tears stream down my face, "She's gone man. She's gone. She's gone... Her wounds festered into infection that spread throughout her body."

He just stands there in shock. I see the blood drain from his face. His eyes are fixated on my dead mate in my arms.
He slowly makes his way towards us. He falls to his knees. I see him shaking. His eyes pool with unshed tears, "Hey Lizzy," he croaked, "Why'd you have to go?" Then he broke down crying, "You were supposed to stay and be my sister Lizzy." He pauses for a little bit and takes a deep breathe "You're one of the strongest women I know. You're one of the best Luna's I know. Your legacy will go on in your son, and in your son's children...then their children's children. They will all know the name, Elizabeth Nightwalker, Luna of the Blood Moon Pack. Be at peace."

We both got up. I picked up my love's limp body. I hold her close to me. I carry her back to the pack. As I merge from the trees. I see some fire lamps burning. People browsing around and whispering to each other.

"NO!" I hear a yell. Eddie bursts through the crowd and runs towards us. He looks down at his baby sister, "No no no no. God Damn it!!! NO!" He raises his hands behind his head and tries to breath. Then he falls on his knees and cries. Eddie looks up at me, "Please, let me hold my little sister."

She was his last piece of blood. Even though I really really really didn't want to let go of Izzy, I knew he needed this. I lay her down on Eddie's lap. He cradles her body against his chest and rocks her back and forth as he sobs and mumbles words no one can hear.

"Xander what happened?" Zapora appears next to me. Her cheeks were stained with tears.

"Valentine stabbed her. Her wounds were too infected. It spread around her body till it couldn't function anymore."

"The pup?"

"He's okay. He's asleep right now."

I look around at the crowd. "Your Luna...has passed on. She is with the Moon Goddess now."

All of them shifted in their wolf forms. They circled me and my family. At the same time all of them howled their sorrows out.

I shift into my wolf. I lay next to Izzy and I howl my eternal pain and extreme anger out to the Moon Goddess.


Its been around 3 days since my sweetheart's death. I look outside the window and see everyone waiting. I look down at my hand. There was a gold band around my ring finger on my left hand. We should've been married sooner. But no matter. The funeral will do.

I see my mother holding Xavier. He hasn't smiled once. He ends up crying whenever someone other than family holds him. I think he can sense the loss of his mother.

"Xander, they are waiting." I look over my shoulder. Noah stands there with no expression on his face. Even though he doesn't show it, I can tell that its hard on him as well. Izzy was important to him in a sisterly way, if it was anything other than a brother sister bond I would've beat his ass already.

I nod, "I'm coming."

We both walk down the stairs. Izzy won't ever set foot in this house ever again. I take a deep breath and step outside. Everyone is dressed in black. I walk down the middle of the crowd to the front where I am meant to stand. I see the archway with fairy lights all over it. She would've liked this. I turn around and see Soul, Eddie, Noah and Lincoln carry Izzy's pure white coffin down the isle. We couldn't have a wedding, so instead I thought maybe as a symbol, she can be carried down the isle in a white coffin and I will be waiting at the very end.

I wait till the four slowly lay the coffin down in front of me. All I do is stare at it. My Izzy is in there. She never liked small spaces. But it seems that will be her home from now on. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I raise my head and look at the crowd.

"My mate gave her all to this pack. She did everything she could. She was my wife, my best friend, my one Luna. She laid a great impact in the people of our pack...and that is how she will go on. No one can truly be dead. She treated us with love and kindness...our Luna will live on in our memories and in our day to day acts of love and kindness as she would've done. She may not be here physically, but her comforting spirit will always dwell in this pack. Her mark in our hearts will never be replaced...especially in mine. And so my sweetheart, though you are gone...your love is forever imprinted on us...may you rest in peace..."

Everyone bowed their heads as mumbles, "May you rest in peace."

I walk towards the white coffin. I grab the front of it with Soul on the other side, Eddie and Noah at the back. We walk into the forest. The whole pack walks behind us. As we walk, the fireflies were flying everywhere. They were dancing around us. Glow worms lit up on the trees as we walked by. I see little creatures like squirls, mice, otters, weasels ad others I can't even recognise, walk next to her coffin. It's as if the very forest itself was mourning her death.

We slowly come to a stop at the beach. The full moon is making the water sparkle like a galaxy. It's as if there were two different skies on top of the other. We lay her coffin softly on the shore. I walk around to the back of the coffin. I bend down and push the coffin into the ocean. We watch it slowly float away into the ocean.

Then I softly whisper to myself, "Please be with me wherever I go..."

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