Chapter 30

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Noah and I were walking silently back to our pack when he asked, "So how are we going to find the place where he is hiding her?"

"I'm gonna smell it out."

Noah frowned at me"How? How can you know the scent you haven't smelt for years."

"I Have something to remind me."

Noah is silent for a minute. "I do too, might smell more like the Alpha Rogue than the place." He says bitterly.

I pat his shoulder, "It's okay. I'll be fine to track it with what I've got."

Noah nods silently. There was a long pause before he asked me, "So how're you holding up."

I laugh without humour, "What're you think, Noah? My mate has been taken from me by one of the cruellest creatures to walk this world. I feel like there's this half of me that's missing and whatever I do I can't get it no matter how bad I want it. So Just fuck off, Noah, you don't know what I'm going through!" By the end of it I found myself shouting. 

"Actually I do...My wife is dead. What you have is better than what I had." Noah growled bitterly.

"Yes but she wasn't your mate!" I growled, "She was just some girl that you fell in love with! I have it worse! I have the other half of my fucking soul ripped from me!! I am NOT WHOLE!"

Noah grabs me by my shirt and shoves me against a tree, "Don't speak about my wife like that! I have NO MATE!! The moon Goddess did not make me a mate!! So I did what I wanted! I fell in love with a human, but it was damn well worth it! SHE WAS WORTH IT! So don't give me shit about not knowing the feeling of your other half ripped out of you! MY OTHER HALF IS DEAD AND YOURS IS NOT!!" he shouts.

I push him, grab him by the neck and slam him down on the ground.

"If you ever handle me like that again Noah...I won't hesitate to end your misery!" I growled.

I felt my wolf almost surfacing. I blinked my eyes and realised what I was doing. I was holding my beta down on the ground for trying to be a friend to me.I soften my hold on him and help my Beta up, "I'm sorry Noah. I shouldn't have said those things. Having Izzy gone is driving me crazy, but I know that's no excuse for treating you the way I did" I sighed and rubbed my neck, "And I know you loved your wife very much. And I hope one day you will find a mate that will ease your pain Brother."

Noah nods and pats my shoulder, "I get it, Xander. I do."

My ears perk up as I hear a twig snap in the distance. Noah and I are both on edge as we stand ready to fight.

My eye catches the bush beside the tree shaking. I'm about to charge and attack, but I stop when I see who came around the tree.


He's lost a lot of muscle. He's got bruises and whipping lashes all over his body. He drops to the ground and reaches out his hand.
He wheezes, "Help me....."


I wake up to the sound of my cell door opening.

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