Chapter 32

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"I want you to bring Vince into the chamber below the pack prison. Then I want you to tie him to the chair."

Noah smiles knowingly and nods.

"What're you going to do?" Zapora asks.

"Get some answers," Then I walk out of the door.

I clench my fist as I stomp towards my pack's prison. After I juice the answers out of him...I'm going to make sure he suffers. I want to be the last thing he sees before he leaves this world.

I went to my bedroom and slammed the door shut. I lean against it and sighed. Being away from my mate was taking it's toll on me. I felt myself become more weary everyday. My heart aching more and more. I went to my bed and laid down. Her scent invaded my senses. I leaned over and grabbed the pillow she usually slept on. I brought it to my nose and inhaled deeply, I release a groan as I exhaled. 

Nightmares plagued my mind. Nightmares of Izzy going through the things that I went through in that hellhole. I keep seeing Matheseus whipping her or beating her...and there was nothing I could do about it and it drove me crazy because in a could be happening. My nightmares could be real. And just just my dreams...there's nothing I can do right now. 

I felt the rage settle back into my chest at the thought of our mate, our Izzy hurting. I snarled as I sat and head towards the pack prison.

I slam open the prison door. The guards straighten their stances when they see me approach. They both bow their heads in respect and I do the same. I go through the cellar area where all of the criminals are held. I go down to the very end where there is a big metal door. On the keypad next to it, I type the passcode. Then I hear the locks inside the metal door clocking and turning. I grab the handle and yank it open. I quickly walk down the dark stair well that twists down to another door. I kick it open. Inside is a concrete, dome shape room. In the middle is Vince tied up in a chair, blindfolded.

I slam the door shut behind. I see him flinch as he listens to me getting closer. I take of the blindfold off of him. His eyes widen when he sees me. I smile down at him.

"Hello Vince. I'm guessing you know why you're here?"

He glares at me. I notice that there are light black vanes around his eyes.

"I want you to answer my questions and if you don't cooperate...You will feel the worst pain that any wolf has ever felt."

I grab a stool and place it in front of him to sit down. I look at Vince in the eye and ask, "What is your part in Matheseus's plan?"

Vince takes a deep breath and says, "I am the one that is supposed to dispose of your army and make sure you come alone."

I nod my head in understanding, "Now that we're on the subject, how did you do that?"

He clenches his jaw and says, "I replaced the potion with something else. Something that would muddle your army's senses so that they wouldn't notice the rogues that would blend in."

I asked the question that was pressing into my mind,"Is my mate safe?" I growl.

Vince tilts his head as if he was thinking over it and then he smirks at me, "Define safe?"

I grab his hair and yank it back so he looks me in the eyes, "IS SHE OKAY?" I snarl.

Vince spits out blood on the floor and breaths heavily. All he does is look at me and smile, "She's not going to be safe for long," he whispers.

I turn away from him to roll a tray of tools over. I have knives, whips, guns, poisons and so much more.

"Does he have a weakness?"

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