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Anakin Skywalker had been living alone for 19 years. At first he would go out to see his son when he was young, pick mushrooms with him, but as he got older Uncle Owen advised him it wasn't wise to stay with him. He knew it was true. He's been somewhat of a hermit, you could say, never really leaving his hole in the wall. He sticks to himself and never really goes into market place unless necessary.

Because of this he's been able to stay more youthful than most. Practicing the Force in his home, or in the shade of the dunes,  and not going on any crazy adventures, even though he really wanted to.

There's been days he thinks himself mad, and days he feels so close to the force it's almost impossible to deny his sanity. When he's alone at night, he imagines himself back on Coruscant: in his prime with his wife in his arms. That's his happy place. When he meditates thats where he always goes. Sometimes he can hear her.

There have been times he feels like he's so close to her, too close that she might think he's alive. There force bond never left. He's debated it for years. If now is the time. But nothing ever felt right. It never did.

There were times when he thought he should join the Rebellion, come out of hiding the way Obi-Wan had. Ahsoka, his former apprentice, and Caleb, (Y/N)'s former apprentice who has adopted the new name Kanan Jarrus, once found him and asked him to join them. That was 5 years ago, Anakin refused. He believes in the force and the force told him to wait.

It wasn't exactly what he wanted. Ahsoka begged him to teach her again but he couldn't do it. Anakin had failed as a Jedi, as a husband, and as a friend. Something he did had to change, he wouldn't fail again.

Early one morning, he hears the yells of the sand people, the kind they make when they decide to attack. Anakin immediately feels the need to see what's happening in his neck of the woods. He comes out and sees the raiders foraging through somebody's speeder, and a body next to it. His need to help kicks in, and he makes the most intimidating noise he can make. It also helped that the sand people were already terrified of him.

The sand people ran away as soon as the saw him approach. Anakin made his way down to the speeder, he didn't recognize it, but the boy next to it he did.

He knelt down beside him, keeping his cloak over his face. He felt for a pulse in his wrist, then put a hand in front of his mouth to see if he was breathing, then checked his forehead for a bruise or a fever of any kind. When he was in the middle of it, he heard a familiar beep he hadn't heard in a very long time.

"R2?" Anakin looked up, he found his friend hiding behind a rock, "Come here, buddy. I scared off the sand people, don't be afraid."

The little R2 unit shook and beeped. Anakin looked down at his son, then back at R2.

"He'll be alright, don't worry." Anakin said, then as if almost on cue Luke stirred below him. Anakin with his cybernetic hand he gives Luke a help on sitting up.

"Rest easy, son. You've had a busy day, you're lucky your in one piece." Anakin laughed, looking at his mechanical hand.

Anakin stared at his son. He had grown so much since the last time he had seen him. His heart grew at the sight of him. He wanted so badly to hold him to his chest. Luke had grown into this handsome young boy, Anakin found excitement in finding the details that reminded him of himself and (Y/N) in his face.

Certainly an adventurous young boy, which he got from both of his parents. When Luke stared up he saw a look of excitement he had only seen in (Y/N)'s eyes before him.

Definitely got the (Y/N)'s good looks. Anakin thought to himself, smiling. For the first time in years, he felt like a Skywalker again.

"Anakin?" Luke looked at him, Anakin's heart jumped, had he found out? Has he found out that Anakin was his father and came to come find him? "Anakin Starkiller? Boy, am I glad to see you." No, he hadn't. Anakin knew if he had, he would've called him by his real name.

"These parts shouldn't be traveled lightly. What brings you all the way out here?" Anakin asks him. They stand and go to more comfortable rocks to sit on.

"This little droid my Uncle bought." Luke points to R2, "I think he's searching for his former Master, but I've never seen such devotion in a droid before." Luke rubbed his sore limbs before looking up at Anakin. Luke was searching for answers, staring at his face to see resemblance before he was told.

Luke had to admit to himself, he felt a connection when looking at him. He felt something between them that he never felt with anybody, it felt comfortable and warm. Like he could trust Anakin before even knowing him at all.

"He says he's looking for an Anakin Skywalker. Does that name have any meaning to you?" Luke asked, Anakin paused for a moment. He hadn't heard that name, his name, for so long. It startled him.

  "Anakin Skywalker." Anakin repeated his name. He swallowed, remembering the agreements he had made not to tell Luke who he was. That it might be too dangerous for him to know. (Y/N) and him had made an agreement that their children would not learn the ways of the force unless they wanted to. If Anakin told him that he was his father would he be pressured into learning when he doesn't want to?

But times have changed since then, there is no Order anymore, only the force and the awful crippling reign of the darkness. And Anakin would need a partner. But he wasn't ready to tell Luke, not yet any how.

"I haven't heard that name in a long, long time." Anakin nodded, prolonging his decision making time.

"I think my Uncle knows him. I also think he has to be a relative of mine. But he said he's dead." Luke explained.

"Oh he's not dead, not yet anyways." Anakin smiled. He has gotten real close millions of times, but no, he's not dead.

"So you do know him?" Luke asked, the excitement in his eyes coming back.

Anakin took in a deep breath, the hardest thing about secrets were deciding when to tell them.

Twisted ➠ anakin skywalker x reader {2}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora