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"No, that's too big to be a space station." Han looked confused at the large circular grey mass. They continued their journey entranced by it. They had never seen anything like that before.

"I have a very bad feeling about this." Luke said. The hairs on his neck sticking up straight. Chewie roared an agreement.

"Turn the ship around." Obi-Wan demanded.

"Yeah.." Han said, "I think you're right." Han said, going to change the gears. But it was almost instantly that every control went offline, "Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power." Han demanded.

Nothing happened.

"Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power!" Han repeated. Chewbacca just complained in frustration.

"Why are we still moving towards it?" Luke asked, his voice getting louder with panic.

"Concentrate! Okay, they're pulling us in."  Han said aloud, trying to see the answer to their situation.

"C'mon, there's gotta be something you can do!" Luke begged.

"We're caught in their tractor beam there is nothing I can do about that but I'm in full power I'm gunna have to shut down." Han said, flipping switches behind him and above.

"You can't win. But there are alternatives to fighting." Obi-Wan mentions.

"I might have an idea." Han mentions, "Follow me."


Darth Majka was interrupted in Tarkin's chambers by an incoming call from the landing bay.

"Sir, we've captured a freighter flying through the Alderaan system. The data base confirms that it's markings match a ship that blasted its way out of Mos Eisley." The call reported.

"They must be trying to return the stolen plans to the princess." Majka explains, "So she may yet be useful for us." Raising an eyebrow to Tarkin. Hoping to delay her execution longer. Majka didn't have all the answers yet.

"Go down there. See to it yourself then, Lady Makka." Tarkin waved her off. She hesitantly complied.

Upon entering the landing bay, it was as if Majka's half human body was burning. Her nerves and senses flying off the chart and her heart was beating so fast she thought it must be in her hands rather her chest. As she walked closer to the landing bay it was as if she had grown feeling even in her metal parts. Her metal joints felt like they were burning with a sensation she had only felt with one person before.

She entered the landing bay and all the Stormtroopers were uniformly saluting her. She approached the ship. The feeling was even larger then than it had only steps further. Could it be true? Is he alive? Is he alive and knows Leia is here too, and is here to get her back? No. No, she couldn't let that happen. She wouldn't let that happen. But yes! Yes that would make sense! It came back to her now! The droids described, those were his droids. He's alive. He has to be alive!

"There appears to be nobody on board. The log shows the crew abandoned ship right after take off." The officer said, but Majka didn't look at him. She stared at the ship, needing to find the source of the feeling that mocked her joints, "It must be a decoy. Several of the escape pods are missing."

"Hmm.. Did you find any droids?" She couldn't rejoice. The only thing she could let show was her military duty.

"If there were any on board, they too must've left with the crew." The officer reported.

"Send a scanning crew aboard. I want every part of this ship checked." Majka wasn't convinced. But she found it achingly painful to stay there. She couldn't stay. Her breathing felt like it was being crushed.

"Yes, Lady Majka." He salutes her. She stands there, mesmerized by this feeling. She can hear him.

"I feel something.." She whispered, but it was amplified by the mask, "Something I haven't felt since.." She then caught herself. In embarrassment of admitting she had a past before her rule, she had to turn and walk away.

Behind her she heard the orders of the men about to board the ship to scan. She breathed heavily and needed to go to a meditation chamber immediately. Sometimes her connection to the Force frightened her.

She wasn't sure if she believed what the Emperor once told her, that she was born from the dark to balance the world. But this didn't feel like balance. And at this point, she couldn't figure out what was her reality. She had too many bugs in her head controlling her every move, too many buttons that could end her life in a second. Sometimes she thinks they did something to her to make her stronger in the force than she should be. They enhanced her to be the Chosen One for them, because they couldn't get the one they really wanted. The one she really wanted. She was never in charge, never really has the liberty to leave. Only a dog on a leash.

She knows she's evil. She knows she's done too many wrongs she'll never be a free woman. She knows she still, and always will, love Him. She knows she had twins. She knows there is so little she can possibly do for herself. She knows the Emperor is a liar. She knows she hates the Emperor.

But she also knows she's done good. She knows that she feels powerful. She knows people are afraid. She knows the life she had before is dead. She knows the Emperor gave her everything to get her where she is. She loves the Emperor.

There's two realities living in her head. Confusion plagues her brain as all the things that have been planted in her head suddenly begin to wiggle, the roots begin to die. Life is being brought back to her lungs, while she's suffocating at the same time.

Back on the Millennium Falcon the 7 travelers emerge from their hiding places once the coast is clear.

"It's real lucky you have these compartments." Luke commented, thankful they passed the scanners.

"They're for smuggling, I never thought I'd be the cargo." Han mumbled, more to himself than anyone. He points the gun around before feeling safe. Obi-Wan and Anakin soon emerge. "Even if I could take off there's no way we can get through that tractor beam."

"Leave that to me." Obi-Wan nodded.

"Crazy fool, I knew you were going to say that." Anakin shook his head and evaluated their options.

"Who's more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?" Obi-Wan shrugged it off. Anakin rolled his eyes, he felt like a Padawan again.

"Anyways," Anakin crossed his arms, "what's the plan, old man?"

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