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The four were running so quickly. Each blast the fort suffered brought more rubble onto them. Han was in front, and got very close to almost dying as the entire hallway collapsed in front of them. Seeing the hit, Han fell onto Leia, trying to protect her from any debris. Anakin smiled at the sight; although Han had a funny way of showing it he loved his daughter.

"Transport this is Solo." Han spoke into his comlink, "I cant get the Princess and Master Skywalker to you. Let her take off, I'll get them out on the Falcon." Han picked Leia up off the floor and ran off in the other direction.

Anakin felt her. The closer they moved to the hangar the stronger the feeling got.

"The Falcon isn't ready to fly?" Anakin yelled after as he ran.

"You'd be surprised, the times I said that and she did." Han called back.

"What are we going to do if we see imperials? Do you have a plan?" Leia asked.

"Yeah, of course, sweetheart. It's called run and don't get shot." Han said, running through the door to the hangar. Anakin heard the door shut on 3PO.

"Typical." 3PO said as Anakin opened the door back up for him.

"Hurry up, golden rod, or you're going to become a permanent resident!" Han held the door open for the much slower 3PO.

"We have to work fast, she's coming." Anakin said, going to the control panel.

"We'll go as fast as we can. How's this, Chewie?" Han asked, flipping the ignition. A faulty gauge began screeching. Chewie gave a negative bark back.

"Would it help if I got out and pushed?" Leia asked Han, leaning against the panel.

"It might." Han sarcastically replied.

"Captain Solo, Captain Solo. Might I suggest that-" 3PO attempts to help, Han shoots him a death glare, "It can wait."

Han runs to the cockpit while Anakin tightens the faulty gauge. Han turns on a few switches that light up then turn off, Han hits the panel and it lights up again.

"This bucket of bolts will never get us past that blockade." Leia says.

"Like I said, this baby has a few more surprises left in her." Han said, starting the ship for take off.

Anakin looked out the window of the canon that kept the faulty gauge. Outside snow troopers were setting up their own weapons.

"We've got company!" Anakin alerted his team, starting up the guns and began firing back.

"Switch over, lets hope we don't have a burnout." Han prayed as he switched over the power. And she was ready to fly, "There she is!"

"One day, you're going to be wrong. I just hope I'm here to see it." Leia muttered.

"Sure thing, sweetheart. Punch it!" Han pointed at the last switch.

The last thing Anakin saw before they zoomed away was his wife. For a moment, he saw her eyes. They were there. He shouldn't have run away.

Unfortunately he didn't have a lot of time to contemplate it. As they were leaving the atmosphere, 4 TIE fighters and a Star Destroyer were on their tail. Anakin did the best he could with the swaying guns to get rid of 1 of the fighters first.

"It be real nice if we could get out of here at light speed!" Anakin hollered.

"I hear ya!" Han said, pulling the lever for the hyperdrive.

"I don't see anything." Leia complained.

"Sir, I noticed earlier the hyperdrive's motivator has been damaged! Its impossible to go to lightspeed!" 3PO said. Han got up from his chair immediately.

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