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"I'm shutting down everything but the emergency power systems." Han told everyone as he shut it all off.

"Sir, I'm almost afraid to ask, but... does that include shutting me down as well?" 3PO asked Han. Chewie howled a yes, but Anakin threw a warning look.

"No, I need you to talk to the Falcon. Maybe you can find out what's wrong with the hyperdrive." Han said it sarcastically to keep everyone happy. Then the whole ship lurched to the left.

"Sir, it's quite possible this astroid is not entirely stable." 3PO said.

"Not entirely stable?" Han looked at the droid, he wondered if the C and the O in his name was short for Captain Obvious. "Well, I'm glad you're here to tell us these things. Chewie, go plug the professor into the hyperdrive, will ya?"

Anakin regretted not inputting human behaviors into his droid.

Then the sliding door closes. With only Han and Leia inside. Anakin tried to shut that out of his head as he worked in the hole he was in. He was able to stop the gas from pumping out at least. Then another lurch, and Anakin heard Leia yelp. He climbed out of the pit to go see if they were okay. He came in just as Han was leaving.

"Are you guys alright?" Anakin asked, Han didn't even stop to answer.

"Peachy." Leia said. Anakin felt the tension, Leia had to stop and take a breather.

"You sure about that?" Anakin said. She nodded.

"I can handle myself." Leia said, going back to work.

"I know you can." Anakin said, seeing his wife in her. The fire, the cleverness, the spunk that radiated off his wife was also in his little girl. Anakin walked in, he had to tell her. Who knows when they'll get another time of quietness.

Anakin wondered at what point did him and his friends being stuck in a ship with a broken hyperdrive, his wife almost capturing him, and also parked inside an astroid became "quiet time." Anakin found himself stalling by searching for different tools after he shut the door behind him.

"You know," Leia turned around before Anakin could speak, "I hope you don't mind me asking, Master Skywalker, but you said you had a wife?"

"I did." Anakin responded. Preparing himself for one of the hardest conversations he was going to have, "I do."

"She's still alive." Leia responded, trying to understand, "But you never mentioned her back at the base? It seems almost silly that everyone knew you had a son but never asked about the mother."

Anakin didn't say anything at first, Leia almost retreated from the subject as she sensed his discomfort. This story never gets easier to think about, and this would be his first time really saying it out loud.

"I'm just curious, I don't mean to-" Leia began but Anakin stopped her.

"No, please. I've just never said it out loud in it's honest form before. It will be good to." Anakin admitted, "It's time I stopped running from my past. I have a wife. She has made me feel emotions that, as a Jedi, I never dreamed of ever feeling. The good, the bad, and everything in between."

"Where is she now?" Leia asked, "What happened to her?"

"She is alive, mostly." Anakin closed his eyes, he imagined her eyes. Not the ones that he saw on Hoth, but the ones that he saw on his wedding night. "She was deceived, treated unjustly. I've been trying to get her back for 19 years."

"19 years.." Leia said, "She left during the Jedi Purge? She was a Jedi then?"

"She was a Jedi, yes. General and Jedi Knight (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." He saw her now, he hadn't said her name in so long.

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