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"This is Red 5, I'm going in!" Luke announced, shooting at the surface of the Death Star. Anakin was following behind him, watching as a few sparks hit Luke's ship.

"Luke! Pull up!" Anakin demanded as soon as he was about to go through the sparks. Those sparks could destroy his ship if he gets too close. "Are you alright, Red 5?" Anakin asked as soon as he could see him.

"I got a little cooked but I'm okay." Luke reported, analyzing his ships damage.

"Red 5, let me know when you're going in." Red Leader said.

"I'm going in now." Luke reported, moving his ship near the shaft.

"Watch yourself! Lots of fire coming from right side of the deflection tower!" Red 6 told.

"I'm on it, I've got your back, Luke." Anakin told.

"I'm right with you, Skywalkers." Biggs reported, "Porkins, you comin'?"

"I got you." Porkins joined the action. But Porkins couldn't stay low, he must've been grazed by a blast.

"We've got a problem here." Porkins muttered.

"Eject!" Biggs pleaded.

"I think I can hold it." Porkins explained, the strain in his voice Anakin could tell he couldn't.

"Porkins, pull up! We've got it covered, pull u-" but it was too late. Anakin saw Porkins go offline on his screen and saw a giant explosion behind him.

That's the moment it became real for Luke. He couldn't believe if he made one wrong move he could die the way Porkin had. But the traits he possessed allowed him to turn his fear into there is no better way he'd like to die.

Luke, trust your feelings.

He heard the voice again. Obi-Wan was in his ear. At firs he thought something must be wrong with the com link.

"Red 4, did you just say something?" Luke asked.

"I didn't. But Luke, stay focused! Imperial fighters are headed our way." Anakin alerted him. He knew they would come, he knew how (Y/N) would react to this.

"My scopes negative, I don't see anything." Luke whined.

"Pick up your visuals scanning!" Red leader advised.

Luke shook off the incident, by picking up his scanner. He continued his attack on the surface while Anakin continued to protect Luke. Any TIE that came near him was shot down with ease, this was second nature to Anakin. They could throw as many TIE's as they wanted his way and he would find some way to dodge their fire. Anakin also noticed that even though Luke doesn't notice it, he's using the force through his maneuvers. He can see it. No normal man could weave through fire the way he is.

"Biggs, you've picked one up! Watch it!" Luke told him.

"I can't see it!" Biggs panicked. Luke responded immediately.

"I'm coming." Luke told his panicked friend. Anakin followed to watch out for Luke. It didn't take long until he hit the TIE pursuing Biggs.

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