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Chewie and Anakin went down to the junk room to look for 3PO. He had been gone far too long to have gotten lost.

Anakin was the one to find the gold plated droids parts. They were on the conveyer belt to be destroyed. One of the Ugnaughts picks up his broken head and begins checking it. Chewie is already ahead of Anakin by picking up the parts that were about to be thrown int the fire.

"Give those back." Anakin fought with the Ugnaughts as they whined for parts. They began throwing the head between the 4 of them and mocking Chewbacca. Anakin actually wished 3PO were functioning to tell him what they were saying.

"I didn't want to do this." Anakin sighed, "But I need my droid back." Anakin used the Force to push all the Ugnaughts backward and away from the parts. Anakin and Chewie collected them, then left the room to return to Han and Leia.

When they entered their white plush room, Anakin felt the tension. Leia's hair was tied up and she sported a new beautiful outfit. Han was same as ever, staring at Leia as if she were the most beautiful item he had ever seen. Anakin approved of that.

"What happened?" Leia asked standing up from her conversation with Han, as Anakin and Chewie entered with the boxes of parts.

"We don't know." Anakin told.

"Where was he?" Han asked, looking at the pile of parts. Chewie barked back the answer. "Found him in a junk pile?"

"Oh, what a mess. Do you think you can repair him?" Leia asked, disappointed.

"Of course I can, I made him." Anakin said, sitting down with the wires.

"You.. what?" Han asked, he had no idea.

"How could that be true? 3PO has been apart of Alderaan since before I was born?" Leia stood by Han.

"And before that he was apart of the Republic duties next to General (Y/L/N) in foreign affairs. Then before that he worked on a moisture farm in Tatooine for my mother. I made him for her so she could understand more of the people that came through to buy." Anakin told his story.

"How old were you?" Leia asked.

"Nine." Anakin said, connecting the arm back to the chest.

"Alright stop bragging." Han rolled his eyes, mistaking Leia's curiosity. "Lando has people that can fix him."

"No thanks." Leia smiled, uncomfortable by Lando's kindness. It didn't feel right. As if on cue Lando entered the room.

"Sorry, am I interrupting anything?" He asked, smiling at Leia.

"Not really." Leia adjusted her over coat. Lando smiled, and looked her up and down.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Lando said, flabbergasted by her. "You truly belong with us among the clouds." Leia had little reaction as she only cared for Han's opinion of her. Han covered his face trying to hide his embarrassment for his friend. Anakin couldn't help himself but give Lando a little squeeze on his neck as a warning.

It reminded him of when (Y/N) did the same when Anakin was a jerk to her on Naboo and called her a youngling. He smiled to himself she always knew how to stand up for herself.

"Thank you." Leia responded, in some way hoping Han would be jealous.

"Would you join me for a refreshment?" Lando offered his hand, not getting the picture. "Everyone is invited of course." He said looking at Anakin. Han stood up, he needed to make sure Lando knew Leia chose him.

"Having trouble with your droid?" Lando asked, still looking at Anakin.

"No, no problem. Why?" Han innocently interjected, making sure Lando saw Leia take Han's arm.

Anakin decided to go with as he was tired and hungry. Chewie also followed, leaving behind the broken droid. Anakin didn't pay attention for a lot of the walk over. He tried focusing on the feeling he was getting. Red continued to display on his eyelids indicating danger was nearing.

"So you see, since we're a small operation we don't fall into the jurisdiction of the Empire." Lando guides them down long hall filled with people. Anakin tried to come back to reality, but he would be ready

"So you're part of the mining guild?" Leia understood.

"No, not actually. Our operation is small enough not to be noticed. Which is advantageous for everybody since most of our customers are anxious to avoid attracting attention to themselves." Lando explained.

"Aren't you afraid the Empire is going to find out about your little operation?" Han asked, knowing the Empire hates under the ground operations, "They'll shut you down."

"That's always been a danger. In fact, it looms over like a shadow over everything we've built here." Lando explained, "Luckily, we just made a deal that'll ensure security."

Anakin felt it so strongly. He stood in the back of the group. Something was wrong here. The dark, cold presence loomed over everything. A breath went down his neck as Lando opened up the door. Anakin's heart beat so rapidly as saw his wife standing on the other side of the door, revealing herself as what was what made Leia and himself so uncomfortable being there.

Han reacted instantly, shooting at her. Which surprisingly she reacted by putting her hand up and absorbing the blasts in her hand. Then she used the Force to bring the blaster into her hand.

"We would be honored, if you would join us." Majka announced, staring at all of them. Boba Fett came out from his hiding place. 6 stormtroopers lined up behind the now prisoners asserting themselves as dominate and cutting off escape.

"I had no choice, they arrived just before you did. I'm sorry." Lando apologized. Han grabbed Leia's hand and just looked at her with concern not bothering with him.

Anakin also rubbed Leia's back. He felt her unease even stronger than the coldness of Majka. "Us too." Anakin told him. Putting on a brave face for the inevitable.

Han lead them inside, all standing before her. Some were more scared than others. Lando closed the doors behind them.

Twisted ➠ anakin skywalker x reader {2}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon